Metal Gear Survive Tips and Tricks

After you've learned the ropes in Metal Gear Survive, check out these tips and tricks for getting the most out of your game. 


Metal Gear Survive has unleashed its unique brand of survival action on the masses, and if you like fighting off hordes of zombie-like creatures while collecting crystals and starting diggers up to dig for wormholes, then you're in luck. You'll get to do all that and more in the game, which may sound a little strange at first, but you'll get the hang of it. That's why we've put together a helpful list of tips and tricks to get you started on the right path and on to victory. 

Take the time to play through all tutorials before beginning

There's a lot going on in Metal Gear Survive, and you're going to need to figure it out. We'll be here to help for a good part of it, but you'll also need to know how the basics work on your own before you get started. There are several interlocking systems and mechanics to keep track of that you need to make sure you understand before moving forward. If you miss some of them, you can head into the menu and the Personal tab of options, look for Database, and then Tutorials for some additional help. You can go back and view them at any time, so if you need a helping hand here and there don't be afraid to go back and read over the information there before getting back into the game. Don't feel bad for needing a refresher. 

Use the staging area wisely

When you first get thrown into the game, you begin in what's called the Staging Area. You can try out a number of your skills and items here, play around, and most importantly train to improve your skills. You can also take care of your inventory, swap out your load out, and test out weapons and other equipment to see if they're right for you. You can spend as much time as you want here before getting ready to start the game, so take the time to dig in, see what works and what doesn't, and get a feel for the controls and the way the game plays. It may be decidedly different than other titles that you're used to, and the Staging Area is a great way to get acclimated.

Don't skimp on gathering resources

Crafting is one of the most important things you'll do in Metal Gear Survive, nearly as important as actually staying alive. As soon as you begin each match, make sure you scout out the area for as many items as you can: iron, wood, etc. You'll need every scrap of it you can get. You get another chance to scavenge for items between waves of the shambling hordes, so make sure you use those valuable moments to gather everything you need so you can both keep your Wormhole Digger safe and complete the objectives set out in front of you. This is an integral part of the game, and we can't stress this enough, but watch how much you're carrying, as your weight can become a burden.

Level up frequently

This should probably go without saying, but make sure you utilize all the skill points you unlock while playing by utilizing your Kuban Energy earned in matches. You do this via the Skill Trainer in the Staging Area before entering a game. You can kit out your character significantly with plenty of goodies and useful augments to make sure you can take out the zombie-like enemies with ease. You're going to have to watch your own back as much as your friends', so make sure you're not dragging anyone else down because you didn't get your character battle-ready.

For more tips, strategies, and advice on how to navigate the world of Metal Gear Survive, be sure to check out our walkthrough.

Senior Editor

Fueled by horror, rainbow-sugar-pixel-rushes, and video games, Brittany is a Senior Editor at Shacknews who thrives on surrealism and ultraviolence. Follow her on Twitter @MolotovCupcake and check out her portfolio for more. Like a fabulous shooter once said, get psyched!

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