IDGA Announces Zero Tolerance Sexual Harassment Policy
The non-profit organization is reinforcing their position in response to the #MeToo movement calling out sexual harassment.
Women speaking up about their treatment by trash human being Harvey Weinstein has inspired more to speak up outside of Hollywood. The gaming industry was no exception, with former Naughty Dog artist David Ballard spoke out about being harassed by a lead. The developer has since responded but the Internation Game Developers Association has stepped forward to make an official statement inspired by the many horrible accounts coming from the #MeToo movement on social media.
The IGDA is a non-profit membership organization that has the mission to "advance the careers and enhance the lives of game developers by connecting members with their peers, promoting professional development, and advocating on issues that affect the developer community." It's no surprise, then, that the organization is making a statement on harassment across the game industry:

It's unfortunate this has to be said, but it is the reality. Power is abused in such a way everywhere and it is going to take all hands on deck to cultivate better work environments and professional relationships across the industry.
Charles Singletary posted a new article, IDGA Announces Zero Tolerance Sexual Harassment Policy