Modojo Rewind: Nintendo's Upcoming Indies And The Fate Of Miiverse
Your weekly roundup of the biggest stories in mobile and portable gaming, courtesy of Modojo.
Nintendo reigns supreme among all the manufacturers and developers to make headlines this week: not only did the company present its fans with a number of announcements regarding new releases and upcoming projects, it also revealed the coming end of an era for its exclusive social platform Miiverse. Sad as that announcement may be, many players were too busy playing latest Switch release Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle, for which we've got some new guides, as well as Pokemon Go, which just saw the addition of three all-new legendary raid bosses.
Circle around the hearth, friends: it's time for the Modojo Rewind.

Gettin' Indie With It
Nintendo grabbed a lot of headlines this week, which only makes sense given that the company made a big showing at its latest Nindies Showcase. Among other headline announcements, players got a new trailer for Super Meat Boy Forever, the sequel to Team Meat's successful platformer; a fresh look at Kentucky Route Zero, which is coming to the Nintendo Switch complete with it's fifth and final act; and a glimpse at Steamworld Dig 2, the second in the mainline Steamworld series, which is coming to the Switch next month.
We also have some enlightening pieces for players interested in Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle: we caught Luigi dabbing in the game's latest trailer, which is pretty unfortunate, but players can ignore the verdent plumber's eccentricities and focus on making the most out of the game by checking out our guides on how to get gold weapons as well as how to earn coins in Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle.
Pokemon Go fans also got some fresh news from Niantic yesterday, as the company revealed three all-new legendaries coming to their popular AR-enhanced RPG. Raikou, Entei, and Suicine are the latest legendary Pokemon to land in Pokemon Go, and unlike past legendaries, these three won't always be available in the same place at the same time. Fortunately, we've got all the information players need on where and when these legendary Pokemon will be available.

One Era Ends And Another Begins
In a sad announcement made earlier this week, Nintendo revealed that Miiverse, the company's exclusive social network, is shutting down later this year. When Miiverse goes offline, players will lose access to all of their Miiverse posts, and any games that had special functions within the network will lose access to those functions. As a silver lining, Nintendo has provided a way for players to back up their Miiverse posts, so long as they have a valid Nintendo ID and don't mind waiting a few weeks or months for the backup to arrive.
Miiverse will be missed, but Nintendo fortunately has some other new releases in the pipelines to keep fans happy. Among those new releases are River City: Rival Showdown, which is landing on American 3DS systems later this year, and Stardew Valley, which was submitted to Nintendo for testing and certification this week. Both games present old-school styled action reworked to appeal to the modern player, and both are sure to become some of the more sought-after games to release for Nintendo systems this year.
We've got some fun and interesting tidbits to close out on this week: since Square Enix announced that it was working on a Secret of Mana remake, we've decided to go through a brief history of everything players need to know about the game, including its Final Fantasy-based origins and details that make Secret of Mana stand out from other games in the series. We also have exciting news for fans of The Elder Scrolls: Legends, Bethesda and Dire Wolf Digital's hit CCG title, as Bethesda has revealed that all Elder Scrolls: Legends Twitch drops will be temporarily doubled in celebration of the upcoming PAX West expo. Whether that means the drops are doubled or the rates are doubled, we can't quite say, but TES:L players would still do well to drop in on some of the game's Twitch streams this weekend before the promotion ends next Monday.
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Kevin Tucker posted a new article, Modojo Rewind: Nintendo's Upcoming Indies And The Fate Of Miiverse