Shadow of War Trailer Shows Off Monsters of Mordor

Some you may fight, while others it is best to yield if you want to live.


We know that Middle-earth: Shadow of War is going to have some traditional enemies, as well as some reimagined ones, but it wouldn't be Middle-earth without some exceptional monsters to really try to mess with your day. A new trailer from Gamescom shows off some of these bad guys, and that discretion may sometimes be the better part of valor.

Talion faces off against numerous enemies in the video, with the spectral Celebrimbor by his side offering counsel on ways to defeat - or survive - the various foes. We even get to see the familiar Balrog that gained Gandolf a level from grey to white in the movie.

Shadow of War is promising a revamped Nemesis system and more enemies to convert to your cause when it comes out for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on October 10. We've gotten plenty of looks at the gameplay already, leaving us with the impression that this could be better than the original. We will know soon enough.

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