AMD Shows off Radeon RX Vega in Budapest

Radeon Technologies Group allowed the public to play with the upcoming RX Vega GPU at its community event in Hungary.


AMD’s long awaited high-end GPU is less than two weeks away from its expected unveiling at the SIGGRAPH conference in Los Angeles. In the meantime, AMD’s Radeon team held an event in Budapest today as part of their pre-release RX Vega roadshow. While the RX Vega has been teased at various events over the last year, today marked the first time that the public got its hands on the GPU. The event was dubbed as an RX Community meet-up by AMD and was certainly different from your typical halo product demonstration.

The extent of the Radeon RX Vega demonstration was a pair of PCs at one end of the room for players to try. Both setups featured 3440x1440p ultrawide displays running at 100Hz. One PC included the RX Vega using Freesync adaptive sync and the other PC was using an unidentified nVidia GPU using G-Sync adaptive sync. Players were invited to try the machines under supervision of the Radeon team. Battlefield 1 and Sniper Elite 4 where the game reported to be running on the pair of PCs. No frame rate data was shown for either machine and reports from those in attendance said the AMD reps spent lots of time talking about how both setups offered an identical experience, with one of them costing $300 less to the end user. It was reportedly never revealed which PC contained the RX Vega GPU. According to some first hand accounts on Reddit and Twitter, the PC seated on the left hand side of the room felt noticeably smoother, despite claims from the marketing team that the experiences should feel identical.

The RX Community Meetup was not an event meant for the tech press, but for fans of the Radeon brand. Participants got a chance to see other Radeon products and get their hands on some swag.

Not all attendees were impressed by the event, as seen on Twitter afterwards -

Expect all the news, benchmarks, and reactions you can handle when the Radeon RX Vega is shown off at SIGGRAPH on July 31st.

Contributing Tech Editor

Chris Jarrard likes playing games, crankin' tunes, and looking for fights on obscure online message boards. He understands that breakfast food is the only true food. Don't @ him.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    July 18, 2017 2:35 PM

    Chris Jarrard posted a new article, AMD Shows off Radeon RX Vega in Budapest

    • reply
      July 18, 2017 2:40 PM

      Ugh, why even bother if they're going to do it like that? I still wait for the 31st.

    • reply
      July 18, 2017 2:58 PM

      IMO the "$300 less" claim is the key.
      Does that mean the consumer Vega will be in the 1070 - 1080 range? Maybe instead they tossed a ~$1,200 Titan XP in the nvidia system? Or perhaps they are basing GPU SKU's off Ethereum inflated prices?

      • reply
        July 18, 2017 3:03 PM


        • reply
          July 18, 2017 3:08 PM

          If that's the case all the cost savings are in the free sync monitor, and if I gamble probably offsetting a higher priced Vega to boot.

          • reply
            July 18, 2017 3:15 PM

            If they can put out a card at ~$400 that is comparable to a 1080 they have a winner. Doubtful but it would be nice considering all the new freesync monitors.

            Those samsung QLEDs are pretty tempting.

        • reply
          July 18, 2017 3:40 PM

          Precisely, and $250 of it is the monitor.

        • reply
          July 18, 2017 6:51 PM


      • reply
        July 18, 2017 3:06 PM


        • reply
          July 18, 2017 3:15 PM


          • reply
            July 18, 2017 9:13 PM


          • reply
            July 18, 2017 9:15 PM

            there are IPS adaptive sync monitors available.

            • reply
              July 18, 2017 9:17 PM


            • reply
              July 18, 2017 11:25 PM


              • reply
                July 18, 2017 11:28 PM

                So you're anti-monitor?

                • reply
                  July 19, 2017 1:57 AM


                  • reply
                    July 19, 2017 7:22 AM

                    Have you ever used a PG279Q or XB271HU? If not you won't know how much better they are for gaming imo. The drawbacks are small compared to the relative performance. However if you don't primarily play FPS I could see it not mattering as much.

                    • reply
                      July 19, 2017 8:05 AM


                      • reply
                        July 19, 2017 8:19 AM

                        Yeah the BLB on the edges is certainly a drawback. But I don't play enough games with lots of black screens/areas that it has been very noticeable. I just can't see myself going back to anything sub 120hz and/or without gsync/fastsync.

                    • reply
                      July 19, 2017 9:14 AM

                      I regret my 279q a little. Never had an ips panel before, and the ips glow is bad in dark scenes. The gsync is great though. However next time around I think I will go for picture quality shadows and blacks over high refresh rate.

                      My benq 1070 projector beats the piss out of my 279q when it comes to picture quality.

    • reply
      July 18, 2017 6:18 PM

      I'm slowly starting to lose hope that AMD will ever be competitive again in the GPU market. Goddammit.

      • reply
        July 19, 2017 7:17 AM

        AMD does best when their competition fucks up or grows stagnant. I think Nvidia is done being stagnant (especially in the mobile arena) so AMD's going to have to hope they fuck up soon.

        • reply
          July 19, 2017 8:34 AM

          Eh, debatable. They competed pretty evenly throughout the Athlon, Athlon XP and Athlon 64 era.

          On the GPU front I have no opinion.

          • reply
            July 19, 2017 9:21 AM

            That's ancient history at this point. It would be great to see them competing at that level now or in the near term but that hasn't been the case for over a decade.

    • reply
      July 18, 2017 7:05 PM

      Hmm seems lame but c'mon need that competition

    • reply
      July 19, 2017 12:20 AM


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