Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
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    By: gmd
    Buzzing head mens, this is a god damn life changer

    I was using a Wahl, which is great trimmer, goes through steel, but this is amazing, the curved blade just cuts right through and level, using it sans guard for #0 no problems.
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    By: [deleted] 662346004
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    By: kh1962
    Don't watch this until you've seen the episode
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    By: Finchypoo
    Enjoy 10 hours of Planet Earth II B-roll
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    By: cytospin
    Slow-motion extinction event, today's depressing read:

    The present tense of climate change — the destruction we’ve already baked into our future — is horrifying enough. Most people talk as if Miami and Bangladesh still have a chance of surviving; most of the scientists I spoke with assume we’ll lose them within the century, even if we stop burning fossil fuel in the next decade. Two degrees of warming used to be considered the threshold of catastrophe: tens of millions of climate refugees unleashed upon an unprepared world. Now two degrees is our goal, per the Paris climate accords, and experts give us only slim odds of hitting it. The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issues serial reports, often called the “gold standard” of climate research; the most recent one projects us to hit four degrees of warming by the beginning of the next century, should we stay the present course. But that’s just a median projection. The upper end of the probability curve runs as high as eight degrees — and the authors still haven’t figured out how to deal with that permafrost melt. The IPCC reports also don’t fully account for the albedo effect (less ice means less reflected and more absorbed sunlight, hence more warming); more cloud cover (which traps heat); or the dieback of forests and other flora (which extract carbon from the atmosphere). Each of these promises to accelerate warming, and the geological record shows that temperature can shift as much as ten degrees or more in a single decade. The last time the planet was even four degrees warmer, Peter Brannen points out in The Ends of the World, his new history of the planet’s major extinction events, the oceans were hundreds of feet higher.
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    By: ant321
    Uh yeah that's a bullshit vaccine. I work in the cancer vaccine field and pretty much all preventative cancer vaccines have really failed due to one biological fact, central tolerance:

    Basically you don't make immune cells against proteins in your body that you naturally make. Vaccines to viruses contain viral particles so a preventative vaccine there works by training your immune system to recognize a foreign particle.

    This vaccine from , supposedly works by training your immune system to recognize EGF a biological growth factor ( ). Your body is going to ignore this as a preventative vaccine due to central tolerance.

    Now the bullshit that they're trying to push at that roswell park place is that they're combining the vaccine with another drug (Anti - PD1) which is an established FDA approved immunotherapy drug to fight cancer. If they have any success at all it's due to combining it with this drug and unless they design their clinical trial correctly taking Anti-PD1 alone may be good enough.

    As a random aside, if you know someone with cancer, try to get them onto a clinical trial with a checkpoint inhibitor.

    For the science nerds: <- Free review about the history of cancer vaccine <- the latest and greatest cancer immunotherapy drug, a clinical trial of anti-PD1

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    By: sanchez
    Trolling in Flight Sim X Multiplayer

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    By: timmie
    Stoner rock/metal people! Came across this today, it's pretty good.

    Woodhawk - Beyond the Sun:
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    By: [deleted] 596928900
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    By: bipolar
    Had a first date last night and unless I fuck things up I'm pretty sure I'm gonna marry this gal. Bookmark this and remind me in a year to make sure I followed through, tia.