Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
  • 16 wtfs
    By: [deleted] 2084680424
  • 16 wtfs
    By: [deleted] 1139842662
  • 16 wtfs
    By: [deleted] 2076850299
  • 16 wtfs
    By: Clay
    I don't know how I missed this, but Time Warner now charges you for using it's TV listings / Guide service.

    And it charges you per cable box you have.

    They really have no shame :(
  • 16 wtfs
    By: walker270
    My first college dorm roommate was into the LARP scene. Huge nerd.

    Showered once a week. Had three shirts and one pair of pants that he never washed. Started the semester off with an unopened bag of underwear & undershirts that would last him the entire semester. He would wear underwear until they both sides were caked in shit and urine, and then throw them in the closet and grab a new fresh pair out of the bag.

    His LARP'ing friends were somehow worse. He wasn't poor, either - he just honestly believed he didn't stink.
  • 16 wtfs
    By: [deleted] 1439745578
  • 16 wtfs
    By: [deleted] 1139842662
  • 16 wtfs
    By: CheesePlatter

    God damn this game is boring.

    That is all.
  • 16 wtfs
    By: g0nk
    try working in the same building with 3 ex GFs and an ex WIFE and they all have lunch together daily, without you.
  • 16 wtfs
    By: enyakk
    But it has terrible music!