We took Ryder for a follow-up with the gastroenterologist yesterday morning. The doctor was so happy. He said that Ryder has already gained a whole year's worth of weight (4-5lbs) AND he has gained 1.75 inches in height! He expects that he will grow to be as tall as Ratalon so he is going to grow in height faster than he thought! He still thinks it will take him 1-2 years from diagnosis to get to the place he would have been had he been growing properly.
Last night I went to cut Ryder's toenails and he said it was hurting. It occurred to me that his shoes might be too tight too! His pants were too short when I pulled them out (he's been wearing the same shoes and pants for 3 years now) but I didn't think to check his shoes! He needs a bigger size now! I have never been so happy to buy new clothes and shoes for someone else.
He has a TON more energy. I am trying to teach him to control that a little bit. He has started getting REALLY mad and having tantrums and things like that, that he NEVER did before. It is like his body has nutrients to spare now so he is acting like a regular kid. It is crazy. I'm trying to teach him how to control his anger and sadness and disappointment and all those things. Usually you do that when they are like, 3-4!
Thank you to everyone that took an interest and talked to me and helped us out with recipes and everything these last 4 months. It has been a hard transition for me but he has completely excelled with everything.