Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
  • 38 wtfs
    By: [deleted] 39885873
  • 38 wtfs
    By: action wombmate
    HR guy is being a jerk, but you're not helping the situation. Taking 15 minutes to poop at work is a no-no. Find a way to deal with that issue, however you can. I'd say also find some way to be comfortable to shit without putting up your TP strips, but that might be asking too much. You're not a child and, presumably, neither are any of the people you work with. No one wants to peek on you pooping, and if they do you then you cross that bridge when you come to it. But, it's silly and childish, and you shouldn't be at all surprised that the 15-minute shits with privacy strips kinda singled you out. It's weird behavior for an adult and borderline questionable behavior for an employee.

  • 36 wtfs
    By: anhero
    The data scientist from the Florida that was relieved of her duties when she refused to cook the covid numbers for DeSantis and continued to report more honest numbers just had her house raided and equipment confiscated.
  • 36 wtfs
    By: giganteface
    A month ago a dirty sick-looking stray cat scratched me just barely enough to draw blood, so I went to the emergency room just to be safe (I wouldn't have gone but the cat was totally obviously sick in some way) and after 3.5 hours of waiting and 15 minutes of actual stuff they sent me home after giving me three shots, a pill, and a prescription for antibiotics. One of the shots was rabies immunoglobulin, one was rabies vaccine, and I'm not sure what the other one was (later I got the three follow-up rabies vaccine shots that you're supposed to get, but this post is not about them).

    Well, I've gotten the bill now. They billed my insurance $45335.00, and then once insurance gets through with it my responsibility is $4460.35. The big one is the rabies immunoglobulin, making up $40080.00 of the total. I called the insurance and they said they covered it properly in accordance with my medical benefits (and I concur), and I called the billing number for the hospital and they basically just kept telling me that that was just how much it costs. I had them send me an itemized bill, which is how I know it was the rabies immunoglobulin that was so expensive. Anyone know if there's anything I can say to get them to lower the amount? I'm trying to save up for a new house here!
  • 36 wtfs
    By: [deleted] 982814364
  • 36 wtfs
    By: [deleted] 752335590
  • 36 wtfs
    By: Don Koharski
    Who greenlighted the Chris Tucker character? He almost ruined the movie singlehandedly.
  • 36 wtfs
    By: Sludgehead
    I actually felt bad after googling because I figured it was a WoW thing and didn't recognize it as a SW thing.
  • 36 wtfs
    By: [deleted] 492803526
  • 35 wtfs
    By: TickHeadDog
    This is nuts. My sister's car is in the shop at the dealership and they gave her a loaner to drive this morning. Brand new 2023 Bronco Sport with 16 miles on it.

    She got four miles down the road and it throws a temp warning. A few seconds later she smells gas, A LOT OF GAS. Before she can even pull over the whole engine bay explodes into flames, blowing the hood off.

    She's ok, but holy crap WTF? Guessing no coolant at all caused the overheat and melted a fuel line?