Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
  • 17 wtfs
    By: riptyde
    Senate and House unanimously pass a resolution condemning white supremacy... White House declines to commit to signing it:
  • 17 wtfs
    By: [deleted] 1248649751
  • 17 wtfs
    By: [deleted] 355768971
  • 17 wtfs
    By: MagicWishMonkey
    lasagna sucks
  • 17 wtfs
    By: spector
    Because I was woken up in the middle of getting assaulted and fled from my own home.
  • 17 wtfs
    By: TraptNSuit
    Watched No Country for Old Men.


    What did people like about it so much?
  • 17 wtfs
    By: Porkasaurus
    I officially hate Halloween and Halloween parties. It's ok when you are a kid, but people are really fucking pushing it now. 25, 30, 40 fucking years old? Let's get your shit together. Your life is so empty you still need to do this? Most of the costumes are lame, I hate the game of "guess who I am?" Seriously don't give a fuck about your lame ass costume, probably based on something else. If dressing like an idiot makes you feel better, why not do it everyday? Own it. Be a dreamer- go full retard. If it did anything for me, I'd be wearing a new costume everyday. But I don't want to be a vampire, or a clever meme or a slutty comic book character. Because I live in a society now, I'm not trapped between adolescence and mid-life malaise.

    This goes for everyone who cosplays too. Try saving for the future first so I don't have to support your ass. Because I know that fucking Pokemon trainer costume cost you a ton and you took several shifts off from cleaning kennels to make it. Meanwhile people are risking their lives in other parts of the world or being killed. You think they give a shit about dressing up? Do something with your life. Don't waste it cutting out clothing templates and posting progress shots to imgur. Take your communications degree and start fucking communicating with the rest of the world, try to make it better. Instead of stinking up the future with your childish vanity projects.

  • 17 wtfs
    By: greenbergMD
    On subsequent viewings I really don't think that first movie was all that great. It's my least favorite of the Marvel movies.
  • 17 wtfs
    By: EvilDolemite
    hey you have a lot of IPs dating back to 2010 so why not just tell us who you are now before it's revealed and you're embarrassed.

    because. we will do it.
  • 17 wtfs
    By: Marrbe
    Giving cops a license to kill, as if they were Nazi death squads executing Jews, was bound to cause a reaction. That reaction wasn't necessarily going to target the guilty ones, but it was gonna be there.