Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
  • 33 unfs
    By: [deleted] 354686
  • 33 unfs
    By: Volatus128x
    Got myself a sweet 100MM investment. Karma, man, it can be sweet.
  • 33 unfs
    Shackcon 2014 / Introduction

    Since staymighty let the cat out of the bag about the new layout and hammersuit went on to detail exactly what is going on behind the scenes, I thought now would be a good a time as ever to officially introduce myself to Chatty. My name is Asif Khan, and I am the principal investor in the new I have been working alongside John Gaudiosi and John Benyamine to steer the site back in the right direction. I am sure you have noticed all the new content and contributors over the last few months, and we will have some previews of the new layout to show you soon. We believe very strongly in the long term viability of Chatty has without a doubt kept the site alive through the dark ages of Gamefly's reign. We have done a lot to engage the community and we plan on doing even more going forward.

    This brings me to Shackcon. Today I am announcing that I will be attending Shackcon 2014. I am inviting all of our Shackcon attendees to join me on the day of July 5th at Encore Beach Club for free. We will have multiple cabanas for the day and food and drink will be on me. This is just a thank you from me to the Chatty community.

    We understand the deep traditions and history of Chatty and Shack and plan to engage the community frequently as we transition to our new strategy. I can't wait to hear back from you guys and I hope there are some Wrath of Khan memes to follow. BlackCat9 and I will be communicating frequently up to the event and we will post more details once we have a good idea on how many people will be attending Shackcon 2014.
  • 33 unfs
    By: c0ucheh

    Girls with 6-packs and ripped bodies are alright I suppose.

    Girls without are nicer.
  • 33 unfs
    By: shirif

  • 32 unfs
    By: ThomW
    TommyW was worried that he'd be too sick to vote in person, so he requested a mail-in ballot. It arrived and he completed it Wednesday night, and we ran it to the post office yesterday. I'm super proud of him for thinking ahead about things and handling it.
  • 32 unfs
    By: DarkDeus
    New car!

    After 25 years of driving boring cars, I got a 2024 Hyundai Elantra N to replace my 2012 Honda Accord coupe. I love it so far! Here's a few pictures I took and see the comment below for more info!
  • 32 unfs
    By: action roommate
    Remote work is the fucking shit. It’s not all upside, but damn I can’t even begin to quantify how this shift has impacted my life.
  • 32 unfs
    By: Milleh
    That was the most satisfying experience of my life.

    For 4 days now our shower drain was blocked - 4 girls, 3 with long licey hair shower there daily.

    Over the past 4 days I've :

    -Tried 3 rounds of drain cleaner
    -Used 3 snakes, got one down 20 feet
    -Used a shop vac to try and clear the clog
    -Used plunger for 6 hours - yes 6!!!
    -Brought a plumber in who couldn't fix it

    It has been SO frustrating, and anytime I plunge the water goes down and you wait for the satisfying floosh sound like when you flush a toilet but no, everytime the water comes right back up.

    I have been losing sleep over this, DREAMING about it.

    Today I decided to plunge some more, as hard as I possibly could without stopping.

    For 45 minutes straight I plunged, my heart rate up to 160 for some of that action.

    Then it happened, sounded like my house was having the biggest most relieving dump of the century, the sound of whatever giant mass of hair and soap had been stuck plopping down through my pipes.

    That sound, oh man.

    I feel like I could kill a grizzly with my bear hands.

    Happy fucking Monday!!!
  • 32 unfs
    By: StimpyBoy-KNoB-
    Shack Browse has returned to the Google Play Store! It hasn't come up in my searches yet, so either The Algorithm is still updating or maybe it won't show up. Either way, I don't care, it's on there.

    First off, 99.9% of this is still all bradsh's work so thanks to him for all that hard work over the years.

    The big changes are that I had to add reporting a user/post to satisfy Google's User Generated Content (UGC) requirements. This will open up a message to Duke Nuked. If anyone sees an issue with it, let me know. I also had to add Block a User functionality. This was pretty much in the app already as "echo chamber", it has just been fixed up to work with local storage only since is no longer around.

    It is also flagged as over 18 year olds only. Again, sorry, no way this thing was going to get on the store without it.

    The first thing you'll notice when starting the app is that one has to accept a Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy. Sorry but this is a Google UGC requirement. It would not be approved without it. I generated one online, and it looks somewhat scary I guess, but basically don't hold me responsible for anything around this app. I make no warranties/guarantees of any kind, I'm not responsible for the content posted here, etc etc.

    I think one can likely keep the existing Shack Browse installed as the app IDs are different (Play Store requirement). So I *think* one can try this one while keeping the old one installed. Settings will not carry across, nor will block lists as they are different app's in Android's eyes. I would appreciate some people giving it a try first and letting us know how it's going, but I've been daily driving the latest releases for a long time.

    What is new?
    - Besides the reporting & blocking, obviously those annoying errors on startup are gone.
    - Imgur authorization *should* work again. So you can use Settings -> Sign in to Imgur to login to an Imgur account and the images posted by the app will be done under that account. That may be handy if you want to delete images later.
    - Chattypics removed from the list of options & settings.

    What remains?
    - There was a background job that was checking occasionally for Shack Messages. That is currently bypassed as when I had to update the Android SDK targeted for the Play Store requirements, it caused the job service to begin crashing. That job service (FirebaseJobDispatcher) is deprecated and dead, so I have to change it to use the newer SDK. That'll probably be one I go after, but it seemed like a minor functionality issue compared to all the other broken things in the app.
    - Push notifications are still not in. That requires a service/API for the app to subscribe to, for the service to push the notifications, etc. I'll work on that sometime after the first item, but it's a lot more work so I'm leaving that for now.

    This was a whole bunch of work and it was a pain in the ass getting it approved, so hopefully it gets used and it's appreciated. BTW, it's a real pain in the ass making a screenshot that Google would approve. I had to search for like 10 minutes to find a bunch of posts without "fuck" or "shit" in it. They rejected the app for one submission due to the original store images having "fuck" in it.

    As before, the source is at if anyone wants to look at it or contribute PRs to it.