Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
  • 10 awws
    By: whistletits
    Just a reminder to call your family and just say hi. My grandma passed away in her sleep last night. She was 91 and I made the choice to call her on her birthday last week and had a little chat. I would have kicked myself forever if i had not done that knowing what i know today.
  • 10 awws
    By: [deleted] 1934413990
  • 10 awws
    By: Megara9
    I just got off the phone with them. Her kidney values have sunk enough that they’re going to give her a calming injection and try to do an ultrasound, then depending on what that shows we decide what to do next. Since she also has chronic stomach issues they suspect it may be kidney disease, though it’s a little bit early for a full diagnosis. Either way she’s staying another night.
  • 10 awws
    It's time for me to post a long overdue livejournal-style post on Cortex.<br /> <br />Read more: <a href="" target="_blank">2020 almost broke me</a>
  • 10 awws
    By: [deleted] 671704344
  • 10 awws
    By: Maddog_Delphi97
    Elephants never forget kindness
    Rescued elephants in Thailand recognise the voice of their caretaker from the sanctuary, where they were raised and cared for.

    hashtag shirif awesome elephants wholesome
    #shirif #awesome #elephants #wholesome
  • 10 awws
    By: gmd
    My cat sleeping like a moron and other various poses
  • 10 awws
    By: oneshot
    Every time we come to Seattle Children’s hospital. They poke my kid to give him his chemo. Never does it happen on the 1st try more like the 6th or 7try . They just keep poking and stabbing , they will ask my kid if he needs a break and he says the same thing “ just keep going till you hit a spot”.

    Never takes a break just get it done he says. By the 3rd poke I’m like wtf. But this is just the way it is with him and his veins

  • 10 awws
    Shacknews won’t have a review of Cyberpunk 2077 up before the game is out. Please understand.

    I know you were all buying it anyway, but this is a big L for the guides team ahead of our Holiday break.
  • 10 awws
    By: [deleted] 1318357048