Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
  • 35 infs
    By: fishbone
    Didn't you just drop out of college, move back in with your parents, and post about being in bad shape financially? My advice to you, especially if you just got back with your girlfriend, is to get allllll of your shit together, make sure everything is stable with her, and if so get married and make sure the marriage is rock solid for a few years before even thinking about a kid. Kids don't fix ANYTHING, they make everything way more complicated. That includes relationship strain, financial strain, emotional strain...if those areas of your life are already in peril, a kid is just about the worst decision you could make right now.
  • 35 infs
    By: bolneze
    I'm most upset about returning the dehydrator
  • 35 infs
    Guys guys guys!!!

    We have our first Shackcon wedding proposal and engagement!!!!
  • 35 infs
    By: [deleted] 439710436
  • 35 infs
    By: Vincent Grayson
    The mass incarceration problem is really more of a drug and non-violent offense problem.

    This dude is a fucking rapist. He should receive a sentence appropriate to his crime, and 6 months sure as fuck isn't that.
  • 35 infs
    By: helvetica
    Merry Pigmas from the peegies! - Gruden von Squeakycheeks - Dmitri Stormlord - Apollo - "OMG it's Santa!" - "Santa I have been a very good peegy this year!"
  • 35 infs
    By: [deleted] 39885873
  • 35 infs
    By: ConfusedUs
    No you don't get to "just a joke" your own special form of bigotry when you post thread after thread calling out the bigotry of others.
  • 35 infs
    By: OverloadUT
    Ahhhhhhghghgfh it's that super weird use of "anymore" again aghgghghhh
  • 35 infs
    By: OzzieMejia
    State of Chatty

    A lot has happened over the past several days and I promised that you would all be kept in the loop. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to do that yesterday, because certain things were still in motion. Today, I'm here to say that Chatty is now ready to move forward with the following changes.

    - Going forward, I will be overseeing moderation in something of a Community Manager-type role as a replacement for the head mod role. All major decisions regarding extended bans, certain nukes, permas, and appeals will all run through me.
    - All guidelines will continue to be enforced.
    - Concerns about transparency have been heard. This is currently under discussion and we will look into ways to be more transparent about our decisions in the future. Work on better tools is a priority for us and will be part of the next set of updates.
    - We will look into the Chatty guidelines and they will remain intentionally broad, as they always have. However, I'm going to make this explicitly clear: racism, hate speech, bigotry, religious intolerance, misogyny, transphobia, or anything similar will not be tolerated. Period. It has come to my attention that certain posts were missed. In the future, they will not. If you feel there's one that needs to be dealt with, send an SM to Duke Nuked. It will be addressed with extreme prejudice.
    - In regards to appeals, ANY DECISION I MAKE IS FINAL! DO NOT attempt to go to the man with the briefcase to try and appeal any punishment at any point, because it will not work. This also means, do not be rude to any of the moderators in regards to bans or nukes. The work they do is incredibly thankless, so they should be treated with respect. Bring up any issues you may have to Duke Nuked or to me.

    That is all for now. Have a wonderful day, everyone.