Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
  • 39 infs
    By: Gibolas
    The other night in the ICU a patient with covid came in from the floor when her respiratory status started to tank. She was sharing a room in the hospital with her husband who was also there with covid. As the emergency response nurses wheeled her from their room to the ICU, I was told they said their goodbyes to each other. When she got to the unit, I told the husband over the phone I would have to intubate her or she would certainly die, but even if I did it was likely she would die anyway. I ended up intubating her and minutes later she went into cardiac arrest, did one round of CPR, got a pulse back only for her to arrest again a minute later and die. That night my co-worker also lost both his grandparents to covid while he was working in the ICU trying to help people.

    People's actions are killing people they don't even know about. Tell your friends to go fuck themselves, you did the right thing.
  • 39 infs
    By: skankcore
    There is so much wrong in this OP.
  • 39 infs
    By: ThomW
    Facebook is trash.
  • 39 infs
    By: [deleted] 1318357048
  • 39 infs
    By: nakedsavage
    You are 100% on the right side of this one if you're telling us everything, BUT based on past events I predict that once this thread hits 100-150 replies you'll casually reveal some small but very important piece of information that you left out and everyone will turn on you.
  • 39 infs
    By: boarder2
    Boy's father made him say sorry. They're 2 and 3. You're over thinking this.
  • 39 infs
    By: [deleted] 507980749
  • 39 infs
    By: [deleted] 760578582
  • 39 infs
    By: papaskot

  • 39 infs
    By: Zero|DPX
    So, the thread about Chrome notifications from yesterday expired, but I had stuff I wanted to respond to. I'm sorry if this LJs things up too much, but there have been a LOT of Chrome/Google threads, so maybe it helps.

    First, I'm glad a bunch of you use Chrome, and are passionate about how it works and what it does, and feel strongly when you think it's going in the wrong direction. That kind of commitment is a good thing, not a bad one. It's not something I want people to stop expressing, and I don't agree with anyone who says "Dude just STFU and stop posting these threads". I'm not going to name names, but if you have been doing this, please don't.

    Second, if I sound like a jackass or brush you off or whatever, it's probably because I'm being a jackass, and it's fine to call me on it. I'm human, and I am pretty violently opinionated to boot, so I screw up. paulatreus wrote a really long, good post in the thread yesterday that sort of did this, and it gave me a good opportunity to respond in more depth, and I think we were both the better for it.

    Third, when you do have something on your mind, try to remember as you post that the people building Chrome are other people like me: human beings, honestly trying to do the right thing. That doesn't mean everything we do is right, but it does mean that we got hired specifically because we care about our users and we want to serve them, and if our product doesn't look like it's doing that, there's usually at least a reasonable explanation why, even if it's not a sufficiently _good_ reason. If you're having a problem, "it's a bug", "our hands are tied and I can explain why", or "yeah, some people aren't going to like this, but way more are, and here's how we're trying to serve both" are all more likely explanations than "Google doesn't give a shit anymore, is focused only on Google's bottom line and not yours, and I really could not care less whether you think this sucks". If you keep these things in mind, your posts will read more like "this seems horrible, why is this happening? Does someone know if I can fix this? I guess I'll go file a bug" than "fucking Google, they're such shit". And THAT in turn means that when I see the thread, things won't feel so aggressive and adversarial, and I'll have more of an opportunity to try and be helpful rather than defensive (or just ignoring the thread entirely). Constructive criticism is always going to be more useful than flames.

    Fourth, an extension of the point above: if in any doubt, file a bug. . The worst that can happen is that we ignore it (and you can counteract that by sending me the bug numbers for things you file; I'll try to make them not be ignored). Don't assume something that sucks sucks intentionally. Don't waste your time grousing on here. Don't even use the "Report an issue..." choice in the Chrome menu because that's meant for less-technical users and goes to a database where we mine the top issues. Using our bug tracker reaches the engineering team directly. We don't want everyone in the world doing that, but Shackers are smart enough to file good bugs. Seriously, I cannot count the number of times my response in a Chrome thread has been "file a bug". Just file it.

    Finally, I'm sorry I don't know everything and often can't respond well. One of the reasons I've been trying to stay out of the notifications UI threads has been that I haven't worked on that, I don't know which people on the team have been working on it, I don't know what the implementations status is or which branches have what changes in them, I don't know our future plans, and I don't know what bugs the team has outstanding. So anything I say risks being wrong. I finally hopped in yesterday because, even if the problems people are having are due to known issues and limited to Dev or Beta builds, I wanted to make it clear that not being able to turn off notifications easily is not OK with me, and that that's not a scenario I want to see as the long-term state of Chrome. I can't just watch people be so frustrated and angry and ready to ditch the browser entirely without feeling for them. But I also can't tell people that they can fix their problem by doing X or we will have it addressed in release Y because I just don't know. Yesterday sigpro pointed me at a bug for some of this, and I promptly escalated it a bit, and hopefully something happens. I wish I could promise more than that, but in the end I'm still just a mid-level engineer, albeit one whose opinions are respected and who has the ear of the project leads.

    Anyway, I wish you Chrome users well, and I'm sorry if something we've done has pissed you off. I will keep trying to do right by you. <3

    Hi, I'm a Chrome developer, ask me anything.