Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
  • 16 tags
    By: [deleted] 1324565298
  • 15 tags
    By: Goodkatt
    You guys have to play Horace. It's seriously the best Indy game of the year.

    I don't make a lot of recommendations, but I just had to bring this up because this game blew me away. The story was an emotional rollercoaster. The platforming is amazing. The humour is top notch. The soundtrack is addicting.

    This game made me cry, and I was left empty when it was over.

    My biggest fear is this game pumps out an undertale like community. But at the same time I hope more people play it.

    It's really good.
  • 15 tags
    By: [deleted] 1777721205
  • 15 tags
    By: the Scrivener
    Someone scanned the 35mm theatrical cut of a-ha's Take On Me at 1440P. The animation looks really cool at that res (the official video is 480p). I thought some other 80s people might enjoy it.
  • 15 tags
    By: [deleted] 1737240303
  • 15 tags
    By: LoioshDwaggie
    Shack Book Club
    Gizmodo has a list of sci-fi and fantasy books to try out:

    I picked up All Systems Red and The Poppy War. I'd also like to throw out a YA recommendation. Recently I finished Scythe and its sequel Thunderhead.

    Scythe is a story about a post-scarcity humanity that is still stuck on Earth. After the singularity, the single conscious AI, Thunderhead handles all human needs. Accidental death, disease, wars, are a thing of the past. Without the ability to form successful colonies on the Moon or Mars, the increasing population requires a unique solution to prevent overpopulation. Enter, the Scythes.

    It's a fast, fun YA read with a sequel. There's a third book planned.

    Shack, what do you recommend and what are you reading?
  • 15 tags
    By: jayacheess

    This is long but seriously riveting and worth the read. It also hits home for me because I work in the industry and did a sail through that same area last year with hurricanes around us at several points. Also, our weather reporting service was shit, but we knew it and didn't plan around it. The whole thing is terrifying.
  • 15 tags
    By: krym3
    I AM A MR MANAGER and I have some advice.

    First off, there are too many variables that I/we dont know in order to give you the right advice. Some of those variables are:

    1) The type of manager you have, and the type of manager they have
    2) Employment history and rate of promotions
    3) Company culture
    4) Exact job role and field (although sounds like tech)
    5) The politics as to why you were overlooked (the person that got it, did they deserve it or was it shady?)
    6) Your desire to stay at the company
    7) Your ceiling at the company

    The biggest universal tip i could give, is try to be stoic and balanced and not do anything brash. Rarely is it in your best interests to wave threats around about getting a new job or a new job offer because it could work in the short term, but that shit will linger, and when some exec starts asking questions like "Does Snapplewolf fit culturally" this could bite you in the ass.

    Its worth having and insisting on a career path conversation if its not initiated by your boss. Dont need to hammer too hard about why you didnt get the other job, but instead set yourself up for the job you want and your manager(s) if worth a damn, will help you achieve this. You Start by having and controlling this conversation from a level headed stance. The theme being:

    "Hey company, Id like to talk about how to progress in my career. Im looking to challenge myself and grow professionally so in 5 years I can be {insert title here} and id like to get guidance on how to accomplish that." This should lead into distince steps and milestones for what they would be looking for in order for you to achieve that. You should be getting feedback like regularly to align with that roadmap and hold your managers accountable to your success.

    Sometimes companies take active measures in improving team members, but more often than not, you need to take control yourself. As an old grizzled vet, this is pretty much the number one thing i tell people entering or stagnant in the workplace. Dont expect the company to push you forward at all times, you need to push yourself and insist at times in order to get the momentum to progress.

    My short winded advice:

    - Raise attention to your bosses that you want to progress your career to X or need advice on how to progress your career
    - Require your bosses give you feedback towards achieving that
    - Do the work needed
    - Keep pushing THEM forward if they arent pushing you.

    If you dont like the place, or you just want to get a raise, you can go chase down another job offer, but if there is one way to burn multiple bridges, is to use that as leverage to get a raise at your current job. Not only have to started a fire at your current company, new company now knows that you're a bit of a flake and you bet they have colleagues at other places that will backchannel you and that story will linger for a while.

    My credentials:
    - Used to run a 300M eCommerce business
    - Managed 10 execs at one point
    - Took 9 month executive management coaching engagement that changed literally everything in the best way
    - Been in corporate environments for about 15 years.
  • 15 tags
    By: AxeMan808
    Some Altered Carbon scenes I snatched for backgrounds:
    s1e5 -
    s1e3 -
    s1e3 -
    s1e2 -
    Gallery of those
  • 15 tags
    By: action wombmate
    Star Wars: The Last Jedi Secrets Explained

    New half-hour vid from The Star Wars Show that delves into how some of the story & content was worked out for the film by the Lucasfilm Story Group, which are basically a group of people at Lucasfilm who oversee the canon & guide filmmakers on the various projects they have going to try to keep things consistent. In this video, they talk about stuff like space ship floor plans and easter eggs and what not, and it's safe to say that it's all very very spoilery, so don't watch if that kind of thing might be an issue for you.