Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
  • 18 tags
    By: trelain

    I have made this curry recipe 3 times now and it's fucking fantastic and easy.

    Go forth and curry! It's better than pizza!
  • 18 tags
    By: [deleted] 1473693448
  • 18 tags
    By: [deleted] 1426145827
  • 18 tags
    By: ]aratex[
    MAPLE FILMS EDIT. It's freaking incredible. (With the caveat that The Hobbit is my favorite Tolkien book.) No love triangle, no hour+ of bumbling around at Lake Town, only like 5 seconds of Legolas (he had one line that was kind of important expositionally)...
  • 18 tags
    By: eeeealmo
    awesome kung-fu short with a twist. do watch
  • 18 tags
    By: dael
    This is on Windows, it rips the disc with MakeMKV and then encodes it with Handbrake, you need both apps installed and may need to edit the paths in the batch file. This particular script includes all audio tracks and all subtitles, it will add a little bit to the file size but I find it very useful for example for audio commentary tracks and being able to turn on subtitles for watching at at low volume

    The Handbrake preset I use is "Normal" with the video quality a little bit less than default to make the filesize smaller and save encoding time. If you want quality look at the HandBrakeCLI command line and do this:
    - Change the "Normal" preset to "High Quality"
    - Remove the "-q 25" parameter

    Files will be larger and take much longer to encode.

    Here is the batch file

    "c:\Program Files (x86)\MakeMKV\makemkvcon.exe" -r mkv disc:0 all . 
    md encoded
    for /f %%f in ('dir /b /aa') do (
    "c:\Program Files\Handbrake\HandBrakeCLI.exe" -i "%%f" --preset="Normal" -q 25 -o "encoded\%%f" -a "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20" -s "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30"
    for /f %%f in ('dir /b /aa') do (
    echo "%%f"
    del "%%f"
    move encoded\* .
    rmdir encoded

  • 18 tags
    By: [deleted] 237266179
  • 18 tags
    By: mrazzino

    I spent the last week trying to figure out how best to play emulators in my living room. My first thought was buy a Pi and load RetroPi on it and live is easy. However I wanted to use my Steam link so I looked into the sexiest options there. I ended up with Launchbox and Retroarch. Launchbox is amazing - it reminds me of Mediamonkey where you can import all your stuff and it finds all the metadata/album art. Launchbox does the same, but for your ROMs. It pulls box art, manuals, screenshots, theme songs, etc.

    Then bring in Big Box mode of Launchbox. You have to pay for Launchbox to get this ($20/year + $10 to resub every year, or $50/life), but it's awesome. It's all very customizable, and people build themes and stuff for it. You get things like attract mode, themed backgrounds/setups, etc. Here's a video of what you can accomplish.

    Launchbox can then launch any emulator you choose, or in my case Retroarch, which is another front end/aggregator. Retroarch pulls "cores" which are just the latest emulators that work the best. So you can grab the SNES9x or BSNES core. In the end, everything is very plug and play these days. I hadn't looked at emulation in a long time. I am going to get into some of the Mario ROM hacks cause those always look awesome and hilariously hard. So all I have to do is launch Big Box through my Steam library, and since I have all the inputs set up for an Xbox controller, it just works! There is also a method using a program called ICE to easily create custom Steam entries for each ROM, but I figured Big Box is a better front end for browsing ROMs than Steam's big picture mode.
  • 18 tags
    By: Beady
    I kinda want to use every single type of lolscript tag for this post.
  • 18 tags
    By: ant_hillbilly