Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
  • 59 wtfs
    By: stuka
    So for a long time we were on the waiting list for this spanish immersion place we liked. It's very expensive, but it's close, nice and clean, and had great staff consisting of three nice hispanic ladies. One day they tell us there is ONE spot available and they'd be happy to give it to us. We were super excited and immediately agree. Immediately after we find out the best liked of the three ladies has left for unknown reasons. We suspect maybe immigration issues.

    So they get a temporary lady to fill in, and baby starts going. It's a rough couple of months at first as she gets used to it. It's been around 3 months now and she's doing much better at the whole separation thing, already developing her language a lot more, and interacting with other kids much better.
    So here's the issue. A month ago we get an announcement that they have found the perfect permanent replacement for the lady that left. And it's a 25 year old man. Both myself and my wife are immediately alarmed by the idea of some young man changing our baby's diapers regularly in our absence. My wife works in news and sexual abuse happens all too often in these situations.

    Through all that my head is fucking exploding at the sheer surreality of this bad luck. THE ONE PLACE we managed to get into decides to fuck the only thing they could, which was to hire a man to be with our daughter.

    So we talk to the owner of the daycare and she tells us the guy is great, has great experience, has a great record, passed the background check with flying colors, and is just fantastic and by far the best candidate she interviewed. When we keep prodding her about this choice she reveals that the guy is the son of one of the other ladies that has been there for about 3 years, and that when the spot was open, she suggested her son who has worked with kids his whole life, starting with his young siblings and she thought he was fantastic.

    We requested his personal information and references so we could check on her own and she said of course. We also requested that he doesn't change our baby's diaper himself - always one of the two ladies. She agreed on both counts saying no problem. I figured it's my job as a parent to at least call the places where he says he worked and see if everything checks out.

    She has not sent us his info. We don't even know his last name right now. And I am honestly having a hard time trusting that they will 100% observe our request that he not change our daughter's diaper. Sometimes the ladies are busy, and one of them is the guy's mom. I can see them not obeying this rule, and there's absolutely no way for me to find out of they are or not.

    The guys starts on Monday full time. Grandma is literally crying and calling us irresponsible for letting our daughter in that situation. Wife is a wreck and is thinking of pulling her out. I feel like shit and like I am trapped with no choice - if we take her out she will start falling behind again because there are zero daycare options that work for us, and if we leave her in, there's the lumbering shadow of doubt over this guy.

    Is it common to have men caring for infants in this way? Are we justified in worrying about this or are we overreacting?
  • 58 wtfs
    By: theghostofsmdever
    Is there a flavour of crisps worse than salt and vinegar? I just don't get the appeal, they are rank.
  • 58 wtfs
    By: Boxelder
    She probably didn't even know she was raped, she's fuckming four. Not excusing the rape AT ALL but the father gave the worst possible response by adding trauma to trauma.
  • 55 wtfs
    By: Milleh
    My friend just had his first baby.

    They kept the placenta.

    He took it home, washed it in his kitchen sink, carved it up like steak, dried it in a food dehydrator (which he returned to the store when the procedure was done), ground it up into dust, and put the dust into many pills. Yes, human placenta pills.

    They put a pill in a shake that they both drink daily.
  • 55 wtfs
    By: ThomW
    The [lol] script is five years old today!

    I didn't think it would last a week. lol
  • 53 wtfs
    By: Shantynews
    We were told yesterday that we should stick to satirical gaming content, so here you go.<br /> <br />Read more: <a href="" target="_blank">Top 10 Video Games for Australian Neckbeards </a>
  • 53 wtfs
    By: [deleted] 1139842662
  • 53 wtfs
    By: Madrigal777
    You guys need a new comment system. It's seriously a PITA to read through the comments on articles, ect... It's the worst comment system I've ever seen and it makes me not even want to use the site. Even Disqus is better than this. At least it's readable.
  • 52 wtfs
    By: [deleted] 347663265
  • 52 wtfs
    By: nrgXs
    Why did it take western civilization until the 1980s to create comedy that was actually funny? Pretty much NONE of the earlier stuff is any good. amirite