Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
  • 51 infs
    By: squigiliwams
    Not to blanket shame the entire shack, because it was a huge part of my internet life for a good long while and i straight up love a ton of you fuckers, but this whole 'LOLZ WHY THE MINORITIES GETTING SO OFFENDED LOL OFFENSE CULTURE LOL POLITICAL CORRECTNESS' shit makes me hate what this place is.

    There is no offense culture. There is only people realizing they can now talk without getting curbstomped, coupled with some stupid people saying stupid things on either side. Protip: there will always be stupid people. 5 stupid tumblr posts dont make the entire discussion of race/gender/sex relations in america 'offense culture' or whatever it is you people call it. (see what i did there)

    So how do i answer your question? 2 parts.

    1. A history lesson.
    - Black people used to be treated as cattle in this country. Yes, slavery exists all over the world in many different times, but we're in america so lets stick to america. That christmas pete character in denmark or something wears blackface and its fine over there so shits obviously different for different places. Part of the history of that time was systemized murder, torture, rape, and brutality. When we started moving away from it we still had a few hundred years of klan lynching and cross burnings and murdering little girls and our media depicting us as dumb comedic relief. Blackface was used in a dehumanizing way to portray dancing idiots and subhumans in movies. 'Ohh look at that dumb dancing negro SO FUNNY!'

    - I dont know if you know, but we as a country fucking ERADICATED native americans. Go google 'trail of tears' and then we can workshop your 'me smokem wampum' costume. ill wait. You walking around in feathers and war paint is functionally equivalent to a 'black people costume' of a loincloth and one of those balls and chains. Or half a foot and whip marks and a sign that says 'hi im kunta kinte'.

    - WW2 happened. Hitler tortured and murdered a whole fuck ton of people. Go to a party in Russia with a Stalin costume on or try out your best Pol Pot costume in the pacific. When you get stabbed to death, we'll compare your stabbing with prince henry's 'huge deal'.*

    I've said this before ( and ill say it again, 'oh why do people get so hung up on this old thing no one cares anymore'. No. It was shitty to BEGIN WITH and now those people have enough say and power to TELL YOU ITS SHITTY NOW.

    "But I disagree. What is or isn't racist IS up to me, just like it's also up to you and to everyone else capable of holding an opinion." Yes, well so is 'who is an asshole' defined by you, and me, and everyone.

    If you go to a party dressed as hitler or some vaudeville nigga character, this is a FREE country, its your choice.
    If the people at the party then the majority of those people (aka society) turn around and say you're an asshole, this is a FREE country, its their choice.

    The reason you have to make this post, and ask that question? Thats because society as a whole as deemed it asshole behavior. WHY? Because events in history HAPPENED and people that experienced them were scarred or influenced by them in deep meaningful ways. So you're welcome to grow up and be ignorant of history and decide to 'take it back lol' or do whatever the fuck you want, but you cant bitch when society comments on your actions.

    *p.s. Somoene going 'aww thats poor taste' isn't a huge deal. Any commentary at all on your behavior that you don't like isn't 'making a huge deal'.
  • 51 infs
    By: alnya
    GH5 band list, Neir, Tiger Woods PGA, Crysis 2, Motorstorm2, Front Misson, Fat Princess release date, Monkey Island (!), Doom iphone (next month), Cooking Mama 3 out for christmas, Crackdown 2, LFD2, Final Fantast XIII in spring, Forza 3, Facebook Twitter on the 360, Metal Gear on 360, Alan Wake still coming apparently, Natal, Modern Warfare 2 (DLC exclusive on 360), Avatar, games on demand on Live, Ozzy in Brutal Legend, APB, Uncharted 2 beta started, Star Wars MMO (fullyl voice acted), Assassins Creed 2, Red Steel 2 with advanced wii controls, wii fit plus, new super mario brothers, golden sun for the ds, new wii sports (resport) with motion controller plus, super mario galaxy 2, wii vitality sensor, dsi integration with facebook, new wii metroid game (!), PSP go unveiled, Metal gear solid for PSP, Grand turismo PSP, Resident evil PSP, Rockstar exclusive for PS3, FFXIV Online for PS3 and PC, Trico (!) shown and renamed Last Guardian, Sony motion controller revealed, Singstar motown, GoWIII (!) in march next year, new zelda in 2011, perfect dark N64 for xbox live, lost planet 2, beatles rock band, fat princess psp, molyneux given promotion, final fantasty VII on PSN, two new Halo games: Reach and ODST, Overlord II demo, brutal Legend legal nonsense, BAM - there it is!, nintendo hate us, nintendo love us, ps3 needs a price cut, ps3 is for style concious, natal sucks, natal will make you cry, disembodied potato was burgled, a plane crashed in the sea, David Caradine died in sexy circumstances, baron calamity's daughter is a racist, dantastic put soap in his dishwasher, alien vs fucking preditor!, papaboo got owned by a girl, bagelcc has a wierd-ass roommate, ekuriox knows everything about shaders, Phil likes rainbows and phobium has natural anal lubrication
  • 50 infs
    By: Arcanum
    Physical controls >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> touch screens
  • 50 infs
    By: [deleted] 1414230755
  • 50 infs
    By: one random winner
  • 50 infs
    By: RikiTiki2
    here's a secret: most people are barely keeping it together themselves. they just don't tell you
  • 50 infs
    By: [deleted] 62963070
  • 50 infs
    By: Horn
    The wrong way
  • 50 infs
    By: samueldev
    Hey y'all! I created Thanks for playing it! I'm super stoked to have cool people try it out, we put a ton of work into it and are over the moon right now! :)
  • 50 infs
    By: EvilDolemite
    Moderation Update

    Members of the Shacknews Chatty community,

    The moderation team has noticed (and had it brought to our collective attention) that personal attacks and extremely hostile posts have been on the rise for some time in the community. This includes things like direct callouts; posts telling another poster to "fuck off"; labeling someone a neckbeard; continually bringing a poster's history into unrelated threads; etc. We've also noticed an uptick in borderline racist/homophobic/misogynistic/sexist posts, both in and out of off-topic and political threads.

    While we will never remove posts simply because they're controversial, the purpose of the Chatty is to foster discussion on a variety of topics, not to create an environment in which to troll or inflame others into hateful exchanges. Personal attacks will be under additional scrutinity going forward and will be addressed with much less tolerance. Blatantly racist, homophobic, misogynyistic, and sexist posts will continue to be nuked going forward and community members who repeatedly post in these fashions will face prohibitive action, including bans. Ban times may increase depending on the severity of the post and history of the poster in relation to specific topics.

    This is not an attempt to purge unpopular opinions. It's a reinforcement of the Shack Community Guidelines found here: . Our goal is to make the Chatty a place for discussion, debate, and most importantly, fun.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please Shack message Duke Nuked to ensure any available moderators are able to respond in a timely fashion.