Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
  • 21 tags
    By: Rice-Rocketeer
    I am a co-op fucking junkie so if a game has co-op on it and it’s on Steam…chances are that I’ve bought it.

    Here's a list of games I have on Steam that have co-op and that I've tried. I'll put a * rating next to them if I think they're exceptional, an X next to them if I think they're terrible. More *s mean they're better. Anything without a * or X next to them are decent games that are worth it once you've exhausted the co-op of the starred ones!
  • 20 tags
    By: ColoradoCNC
    I don't remember exactly who it was, but I just wanted to give a shout out to the Shacker who recommended listening to Alan Watts' guided meditation as a way to fall asleep at night. I found a clip of him on YouTube that is just about a half hour that I've been listening to every night for the last 2 weeks or so as I've been going to sleep, and I am normally out cold within about 10 or 15 minutes. I haven't had to take my ZzzQuil since last month as a result and it has been surprisingly helpful with my anxiety.

    Here's the clip I've been listening to

    Does anybody have recommendations on other clips from him, or just guided meditation routines in general, that have been helpful for them? Also, any recommendations on writings of his that I should check out would be awesome.
  • 20 tags
    By: [deleted] 638871538
  • 20 tags
    By: baconisgod

  • 20 tags
    By: dahanese
    The Guardian is doing this amazing series called "The Web We Want" about how to make their comments better.

    It's super fucking fantastic and their data visualization is making me geekily excited. I do a lot of work on this so I have personal and professional interest but I think it's super topical to this group, too, given this site's comment evolution over the years.

    Also, these graphs are so fucking cool.

    There's a lot more within this entire series but I think this article is probably coolest for us to talk about.
  • 20 tags
    By: Shadowdane
    Windows 10 Pro - Disable Windows Updates Auto-Install!

    If you have Win 10 Pro, you can use Local Group Policy to prevent Windows for automatically installing updates!!
  • 20 tags
    By: ninjase
    Someone recommend a book for Python for beginning programmers
  • 20 tags
    By: boring gegtik
    fantastic article on Super Metroid
  • 20 tags
    By: daVinci1980
    Please recommend some books for me. I am going to Maui tomorrow with the 4 month old in tow. I will primarily be reading in the shade next to the pool.

    I like sci-fi, fantasy, science, economics, and long walks on the beach.
  • 20 tags
    By: [deleted] 492803526