Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
  • 1 lols
    By: Ride-My-Rocket
    What the hell are you spending your restaurant tickets on?!?!
  • 1 lols
    By: Xevo
    Now you can pay a dollar for a black checkmark too lol. I also saw an early offer for $2 more for a second black checkmark. Amazing!
  • 1 lols
    By: baconisgod
    Good thing they're spending all their money on frivolous lawsuits against the media.
  • 1 lols
    By: MagicWishMonkey
    There's just nothing the C suite does that can be easily automated. It's weird that people think CEO's are sitting around playing with spreadsheets all day.

    Like a good example of why Nadella is a good CEO is how he immediately stepped into the OpenAI mess earlier this week and 4 days later the problem was more or less resolved. That's not a thing you can automate. The higher up the ladder you go the more your work involves social/interpersonal skills that machines aren't going to be very good at any time soon.
  • 1 lols
    By: milkandcheese
  • 1 lols
    By: Sailor of Fortune
    Ed Norton as Ilya Sutskever: "Alright, board roll call. Ilya, myself, present. Helen... Present. Tasha... Present but currently nursing a migraine so I'll speak at a cadence so as to mitigate symptoms as prescribed by her physician and OSHA. Alright, just up front, this meeting is being transcribed and recorded via audiotape, digital video, two Stenographers for redundancy, and local sketch artist for posterity.

    We are at a crossroads of Non-human Humanmade Reasoning and Rationale Mind which I like to call "Hrrm" but everyone else collectively and incorrectly calls Artificial Intelligence. I'll be using these two terms interchangeably for the purposes of meeting.

    I have found that our beloved colleague Sam "The" Altman AKA The Alt Man or Saltman has been leading this organization to include all its staff, intellectual properties, licenses, patents, copyrights, international agreements, all official and non-official on to a journey that will doom not just this company of a measurable segment of humanity.

    I bring with you today a 17 point argument and plan for our need to remove Sam from his position immediately."
  • 1 lols
    By: Omaha
    Because my kid is so intimidated by Apex Legends, I've been venturing to his side of the river and playing Fortnite. NO BUILD only.

    Totally different experience, much less sweaty. The really small inventory takes getting used to. Also ammo feels scarce.

    I like Apex a lot more, even if I suck ass at it forever. I'll still play Fortnite from time to time until he mans up and steps into the Games.
  • 1 lols
    By: Lasers_PewPew
    I know exactly what you mean
  • 1 lols
    By: baconisgod
    Derek Chauvin has been shanked in prison
  • 1 lols
    By: stgdz
    I wonder if Dorsey will buy it back for 4 billion.