Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
  • 1 infs
    By: dkrulz
    Yeah the 4080 sucks at that price. Which I guess is why they plan to release a super variant and switch up the pricing a bit.
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    By: theWhite
    Theoretical: the state should should provide safe and ethical environments for those subject to its power.
    Practical: racist piece of shit cop gets what he deserves
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    By: calipsoii
    Get a Kobo Libra 2 instead. Not only does it use USB-C (for many years running now) it’s an awesome device that can sync with your local library and even self-hosted solutions like Calibre.
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    By: wunderbred
    They have an emotional support animal
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    By: boarder2
    It's kinda janky but it's much better than the last time I used it. It's not as smooth as Parallels and it uses a lot more RAM even with the same amount allocated to the VM.

    Tools integration isn't as good. Parallels has the ability to set a handler for http/https so web links open in the native browser. Pretty sure old VMWare Fusion had that - Fusion for Apple Silicon doesn't seem to have that. Probably not a big deal if you have 64GB of RAM to throw around but with 16, things are tight around here.

    I'd say give Fusion a chance and if you're disappointed, at least try Parallels because it's still better.
  • 1 infs
    By: filthysock
    Same. We used to have a 3 year hardware refresh cycle at work but I wouldn’t have an issue pushing that to 5 years with this M1.
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    By: quadeh
    OG is best, but I do think its UI and systems are difficult to appreciate now if you didn't play it back in the day. Human Revolution is prob the best starting point imo for a new player in today's age, then go back to the original as your second play in the series.

    Unfortunately I think the first Deus Ex is entering System Shock 1 territory in terms of being impenetrable to someone used to modern gameplay design ethos :(
  • 1 infs
    By: AxeMan808
    If there's a season pass and it's not From, I wait until the GOTY/Ultimate version.
    so I don't talk about the 49.95 Day One Retail Box Borderlands purchase that the DLC still costs $10 each and I still can't use the cheap steam DLC on with the Heavy Launcher Ammo Mod which didn't work (AT ALL) until patch #4 (the 3rd and final DLC patch) though I'd reported it 5 times over that year.
    Also the Claptrap "Here we admit to our lies from the last game's marketing and use it as marketing for the new game - we promise we aren't lying about THESE features like we did last time. PROMISE."
    "Made FOR PC, ON PC."
    I don't talk about this anymore.

    I could buy the Ultimate version for like $10 or something tho.
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    By: dognose
    BEWARE of RAW FISH ! I live in Dallas Area and the TOP DOCTOR from Brain Surgery came on TV News last month ...And said He is REMOVING Large WORMS in PEOPLES BRAINS !!! This Doctor said HE NEVER Seen anything like this Before ! And he also said PEOPLE NEED TO COOK THEIR FOOD !!! Because of the PARASITES !!And these people who have these PARASITES are SPREADING THEM TO OTHER PEOPLE !!! and 2 Years ago the HOUSTON CDC said they Never seen anything like this before >>>WHITE PEOPLE WITH PARASITES ! So Many White People they said ! it was never WHITE people who got these Parasites was always the Mexicans and Never the WHITE PEOPLE ! Last Month in Chicago a Man wanted to SUE a Resturant for giving him a TAPE WORM This Man said he got it from eating SALMON at this resturant ! I believe him !I seen a show on Discovery Science called Eaten Alive and it showed a couple in Canada who went fishing and the man was so hungry he ate his fish not all the way done and a few weeks later he had a Large TAPE Worm leaving him as he used the bathroom , called his wife to look and she never heard anything like this before !And it took this man some time taking medications to get rid of his visitor .The Waters are POLLUTED all over America ! I am Part Native and I have family all over the USA and we talk about OUR ISSUES and we see what America has done to all our WATERS with RAW SEWERAGE and what it has done to the fish ! Over 300 Beaches in Americas are closed each year because of RAW SEWERAGE! The FISH eat that stuff and are sick ! And Now people are sick ! People can have Parasites for 10 Years and never even know it ..We Native Americans know this before the American Doctors Knew it ! How do you like that ?On the Oprah show with Dr.OZ he said the Main reason for the SOUTH LOOSING the WAR was PARSITES all the Men were infected with Parasites brought here by SLAVES on the Slave Ships from Africa The Notrious HOOKWORM is not Native to the Americas ! It is from Africa ! And now it is all over the MOIST SOUTH and in all drinking waters .Phillies drinking water is full of Parasites ! And all these RUAL communites who have SEPTIC TANKS and Well water are all infected with them .People go to the Doctors GASTROS , and they are treated for IBS or something else anything BUT Parasites ...sick people are BIG MONEY ! The Reason you see signs on Beaches that say NO DOGS ALLOWED ? because people go on Vacation and come back and everyone is infected with parasites .And Not One Septic dealer Knows what The CDC says you must PUT Down on TOP of their Septic tanks (SODIUM BORATE ) to kill the Parasites that people walk on and their PETS walk on and get the Parasites and the WHOLE Family has parasites after petting and kissing their best friend Fido ! After Fido licked his paws and rear end ! Only the heart Worms will people see from thier dogs ....Not Round Worms or Hook worms !So no one has a clue ! The Majority of Doctors are UNDEREDUCATED about parasites and the others KNOW but also Know if they CURE people the MONEY STOPS !These HOOKWORMS cause lots of illnesses ...They Expand the entire width of you colon and eat everything you do and what they dont want they dump ! They take away all the Vitamins from your Blood and make you so tired and weak !And that is why the South Lost the War ,Now you know the whole story ...Native Americans never had Parasites ! Because they WORE Shoes ! The Southern Boys had No Shoes ...So always listen to your mother and wear your shoes ...even at the beach ! And that Brain Doctor in Dallas said WASH YOUR HANDS all the TIME !That is how Parasites are spread to other people ~!And the people who live in the North ? The HOOKWORM now Survives your COLD Climates ! They are keeping Up to get inside of a HOST !
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    By: redshak
    Same thing Zuck does: Buy a huge house and land in Hawaii. There's no nicer place on Earth I've found