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Report: Microsoft removing Xbox Gold requirement for Netflix and Hulu
Microsoft is reportedly planning to remove the Xbox Live Gold requirement to access services like Netflix and Hulu, but may put other services (like its own original programming) behind a paywall to make up for it.
READ MORE >Xbox getting shows from Seth Green, Sarah Silverman, and Michael Cera
Microsoft has announced a few more shows to its expanding Xbox TV line-up, including comedies from Seth Green, Michael Cera, and Sarah Silverman, and a drama based on a popular Swedish sci-fi series.
READ MORE >"Unless the Michael Cera show is "thirty minutes of Michael Cera being punched in the face", I'm ..."
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Xbox 360 '2011 highlights' Trailer
Posted Jan 11, 2012 11:44am PST - 1,883 viewsCelebrate the success of the Xbox 360 platform in 2011 with a highlight video.
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Xbox 360 '2011 highlights' Trailer
Posted Jan 11, 2012 11:35am PST - 11 downloadsCelebrate the success of the Xbox 360 platform in 2011 with a highlight video.
Xbox Live 'Xbox TV Partner Apps' Trailer
Posted Dec 05, 2011 5:56am PST - 12 downloadsSee the televisual wonders coming to Xbox 360 in Xbox TV with the winter 2011 dashboard update, launching December 6.
"Ayup. This was my last big objection to the XBO. I still don't like the Metro interface, but I ..."
- yukichigai see all 54 comments