Destiny 2 Will Let you Farm World of Warcraft Gold to Buy the Game

Bungie's move to the Blizzard Launcher means the new game will use Blizzard Balance for purchases.


One of the hidden aspects for Destiny 2's move to the Blizzard launcher and is that you will be able to purchase the game using Blizzard's Balance system. That means farming gold in World of Warcraft could get you a copy of the game when it comes out on PC as early as September 8.

A Blizzard FAQ connfirmed that you can use the Blizzard Balance system to buy the game, with the World of Warcraft Token system allowing you to turn gold into credit on your Blizzard account. Previously WoW Tokens could only be used to trade gold for game time, or buy a token in exchange for gold on the WoW Auction House. But Blizzard changed the rules a bit in February where tokens can now be exchanged for Blizzard Balance to be used for any Blizzard games. This system will now be used for Destiny 2 as well.

Right now, about 106,000 gold will get you a WoW Token. and a WoW token converts to $15 of Blizzard Balance. If you figure that Destiny 2 will likely run around $60, you'll need four tokens, which means farming about 424,000 gold.

So get the money set aside in your Blizzard Balance now to take advantage of any pre-order bonuses that will be announced as the game gets closer to launch, or any future items that Bungie may put in the Blizzard store down the road.

Contributing Editor
From The Chatty
  • reply
    May 18, 2017 2:00 PM

    John Keefer posted a new article, Destiny 2 Will Let you Farm World of Warcraft Gold to Buy the Game

    • reply
      May 18, 2017 4:03 PM

      Haha that's pretty cool

    • reply
      May 18, 2017 4:06 PM


      • reply
        May 19, 2017 8:08 AM

        Outside of playing the auction house, it would take hundreds of hours. Money values have gone up with the introduction of Legion and its class halls/world quests, but it's finite in terms of farming that way.

        If you're on top of it, some people have made some pretty significant amounts off the auction house by buying low, selling high and with their professions, but the latter involves even more in-game time.

        It should also be noted that the WoW token system fluctuates based on current market values. It may cost around 400k to buy the required tokens today (assuming it's a $60 game) but by the time D2 launches, there will be even more gold out there in the WoW economy and the token prices will have gone up.

        This is a pretty cool perk for people who already have accrued this kinda money by playing the game the last few years, but I don't think signing up for the game and trying to farm up 400-600k is going to be a particularly efficient way to buy it.

        • reply
          May 19, 2017 8:11 AM


        • reply
          May 19, 2017 8:20 AM

          I currently have 660,000 gold, but spread over 12 characters, 6 of which are 110s (the rest are 100s)

    • reply
      May 18, 2017 4:29 PM

      Interesting, I guess prices spiked after that Feb change? I remember it was relatively easy to farm your money back and break even when they were 50k. Cool idea but seems like it would take too long, I should have invested my wow gold in tokens way back when

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