Mass Effect Andromeda has crafting and you can name your own weapons
Characters will also have a slot for a dedicated melee weapon.
Mass Effect: Andromeda apparentyl will have a fun little feature that just seems ready to be abused at any time: Weapons that you craft can be named whatever you want.
The BioWare team continues to drop little hints and tidbits via Twitter. First, we got Lead Designer Ian Frasier releasing this morsel: "PRO TIP: In MEA, you can craft your own krogan-style hammer and name it GRABTHAR'S HAMMER. That one's free, folks. #space." That one tweet, aside from the nice Space Quest reference, reveals crafting your own weapons, a dedicated slot for melee weapons, and a name-your-own-weapon tool. When asked about the dedicated melee weapon slot, Frasier responded with "There's a dedicated melee weapon slot. The omni-blade you start with is just one (though you can upgrade it).."
Then Senior Designer Justin Perez got into the act with his own weapon names: "Today in my in-progress playthrough I made an Assault Rifle named FAST and a Sniper Rifle named FURIOUS."
I would hope there will be some sort of filter or naming check, as the potential for juvenile delinquency is probably just as high as seeing some really cool weapon names. It should at least make for an added level of clever shenanigans.
John Keefer posted a new article, Mass Effect Andromeda has crafting and you can name your own weapons
I *really* hope there's away teams you can send to do that shit, like in AssBro you could send the crew around to perform missions. Always liked AssCreeds because you don't have to collect every fucking thing yourself, so you can quest away and still get credits and such.
AssPirates was awesome at this as well.
because in real life crafting something feels pleasurable because real work and creativity was applied to generate a unique result. Games used to occasionally do this form of crafting through long, non-obvious quest chains that resulted in a small number of crafted things throughout the game (which also means the developer can spend time to make the crafted things legitimately unique). Now on the back of MMO caliber quests and gameplay we have transformed crafting into a meaningless triviality meant to replace actual gameplay and substitute actual skill and expertise for the type of click click click skill free progression the same audience complains about in mobile gaming.
I thought it was hilarious how in ME1 you had to pay your own supply guy for weapons. Sure he's running a side business but that shouldn't be allowed on a military vessel.
In Afghanistan the base I was at had a 3D printer capable of manufacturing parts to replace components in firearms and some equipment. Sometimes they made new components designed in the states like a new battery compartment for our radios that was more durable.
Now of they can implement crafting like that where it improves or repairs existing items that would be cool. It would feel more like exploration where you take advantage of new research and development or stuff degrades over time on a long trip necessitating the need to maintain equipment and looking for rare materials.