EA Exec Talks Up the Nintendo Switch

C'mon guys, we saw how you treated the Wii U.


EA Chief Competition Officer Peter Moore discussed EA's feelings about the Nintendo Switch at the Credit Suisse Technology, Media, and Telecom Conference on Tuesday. Moore credited Nintendo as having always been an important part of the video games industry and having some of the best first-party development studios and intellectual properties in the world.

Electronic Arts' actions speak louder than its words, though. The mega-publisher only released a meager four games on the Wii U, Madden NFL 13, Need for Speed Most Wanted, Mass Effect 3, and FIFA 13. The Wii U was on the market for less than a year before EA officially dropped support for the Wii U. EA's relationship with Nintendo during the Wii's heyday was much more significant with 65 titles being released. However, Moore did go on to say that a "major" EA title would be coming to the Nintendo Switch, so at least they have some confidence in the system.

The difference between the number of consoles sold between the Wii and Wii U is staggering. The Wii ended up selling over 101 million units, while the Wii U has only managed 13 million. It's easy to see a correlation here. Moore made the statement that EA is going, "to watch with interest," and that means they'll probably take the same approach that they did with the Wii U.

No matter how enthusiastic Moore seems, others in EA aren't so sure about the Switch.  With so much speculation as to its success, the initial sales numbers of the Nintendo Switch will probably make or break third-party support for the upcoming console/handheld hybrid.

Contributing Editor
From The Chatty
  • reply
    December 1, 2016 5:42 AM

    Jason Faulkner posted a new article, EA Exec Talks Up the Nintendo Switch

    • reply
      December 1, 2016 6:27 AM


    • reply
      December 1, 2016 8:33 AM

      Nintendo better have a few killer titles within the launch window to really drive console sales, or this'll end up being a repeat. I think I'm interested in Switch, so I might grab one at launch. But, there's gotta be enough to play on it to make it worth while.

      • reply
        December 1, 2016 8:34 AM

        I think it looks kinda cool too.

        • reply
          December 1, 2016 8:47 AM

          I can't figure if this is going to be kid friendly or not. And by kid, I mean young kids. The Wii was easy enough that my 4yr old can use it (mostly). She can use a tablet, but still struggles with xbox/ps style controls.

          • reply
            December 1, 2016 9:06 AM

            It's hard to tell just yet. The Switch unveil trailer showed a lot of 20-somethings so they may be targeting a more mature audience with the Switch.

          • reply
            December 1, 2016 1:48 PM

            It'll be about as kid friendly as a Gamecube, I think. Yeah, easier to lose controllers, but otherwise I don't see what's so difficult about using it.

    • reply
      December 1, 2016 9:07 AM

      it's c'mon.

    • reply
      December 1, 2016 11:24 AM

      The Take Two could comments were pretty good too. Nintendo seems to be pushing 3rd party.

      "With any new hardware, there is always an element of 'wait and see,' and the install base is going to drive a lot [of Take-Two's level of support]. We're very intrigued and excited about it. The Nintendo folks I think are making a great effort to reach out to third-party developers, which I think is fantastic. I would say we're very optimistic and they're good partners. We're excited to work with them in the future on it."


      • reply
        December 1, 2016 11:34 AM

        Yeah,. EA has spouted this before but I don't recall hearing about it from Take Two in prior generations.

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