Beyond Good & Evil 2 enters pre-production, according to its creator
'Endangered species now saved.'
Series creator Michel Ancel posted an update on Beyond Good & Evil 2 on Instagram. "Endangered species now saved. Game in pre-production. Stay tuned!"
Ancel has been teasing progress on the oft-delayed sequel lately, posting concept artwork on social media. His Instagram post follows in the same vein: a bipedal rhino of the same species as creatures found in the first Beyond Good & Evil accompanies his words.
We haven't heard much from Ancel since Beyond Good & Evil 2's initial announcement eight years ago in 2008, but a few breadcrumbs have popped up lately. Back in June, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot told Geoff Keighley that BG&E2 was in active development, although Ancel was (and perhaps still is) involved in development of Wild, announced in 2014.

David Craddock posted a new article, Beyond Good & Evil 2 enters pre-production, according to its creator