Overwatch taps into Rocket League for Lucioball Weekly Brawl

Overwatch's Weekly Brawl feels awfully familiar, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.


Blizzard announced Overwatch would be celebrating the Rio Olympics with its first special event that brings the Summer Games to its world. While we already know what to expect in terms of character skins, Lucioball is a new game mode that has never been discussed or revealed before.

For those who may not be in front of their console or PC to log in and play Overwatch, Lucioball is essentially Rocket League but in the world of Overwatch. It’s a 3vs3 game mode where all players control Lucio. Instead of shooting sonic waves towards his opponents, Lucio delivers a melee attack when the primary attack button is activated. His secondary attack still shoots a close-range sound attack that is capable of pushing the ball away from him in the direction he’s facing.

The most helpful change is his Sound Barrier ultimate. For Lucioball, Sound Barrier is capable of pulling the ball in his direction. This could be extremely helpful if you find yourself all alone with a clear shot at the net, or if you want to pull the ball away from enemy players who have their eye on your goal.

If you’re a fan of Rocket League, this is a game mode we’re sure you’re going to enjoy as it plays really well thanks to Lucio’s mobility and abilities.

Here’s a video showing Lucioball off in action:


Want to watch past brawls? Here they are:

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