Overwatch teases support sniper rifle for a medic
Could this be another hint that Sombra is coming?
We have known for awhile the Overwatch would be getting some new heroes, with Sombra being one of the most discussed. Now Blizzard is teasing again, this time releasing some "classified intel" via Twitter.
The tweet from the official Overwatch account shows the schematics for a suppor sniper rifle designed for a medic, with the caption "[ARCHIVE] Communications Records of Ziegler, A. – Overwatch File 00231 – Security Classification: CONFIDENTIAL." There is also an exchange between Torbjorn and Mercy, with Torbjorn describing the rifle as being designed for medics in the field and to only be used for healing. Mercy, who is currently the game's resident medic, is less than thrilled with the weapon, fearing that it could be weaponized via modifications.
This leads us to the conclusion that Sombra, who has been hinted at as a support sniper, could be the next character released for the game. Sombra has been seen in development and in documents staged in various videos leading up to the game's release. One in particular shows files of Sombra and Jack Morrison (aka Soldier 76) on a table in the town of Dorado. There have also been pictures found in the Dorado and Route 66 maps, and a newspaper asking in Spanish "Who is Sombra?" Even Reaper has asked "Where is Sombra when you need her?"
So evidence is there, and the new tweet hints that a revelation may be coming soon.

John Keefer posted a new article, Overwatch teases support sniper rifle for a medic