Shack Reels: Overwatch Weekly Brawl: Show Your Support

This week's brawl is all about support, which is both good and bad.


A new week is upon us, which means Overwatch has received a new Weekly Brawl. This week, players are forced to show their support as only Lucio, Mercy, Symmetra, and Zenyatta are available for play with only two of the same hero allowed per team.

The Show Your Support Weekly Brawl is a strange one as having a team filled with support heroes can lead to a lot of death if you don’t know what you’re doing. Mercy, for instance, is nearly useless in this week’s brawl considering three of the four heroes available can heal themselves and others. Her pistol attacks are also weak compared to the attacks of other heroes, making it more of a weapon that should be used as a last resort instead of a method of attacking enemies.

The Heroes I found to be the most suitable for Show Your Support were Lucio and Zenyatta. They both strike a happy medium between offensive and defensive abilities. Lucio can automatically heal or increase the movement speed of surrounding heroes while he attacks with his Sonic Amplifier or Soundwave. As for Zenyatta, his abilities make him the ideal choice as he can cause quite a bit of damage with his orbs, especially when used with his Orb of Discord ability.

Even if you’re a fan of support heroes, you could have a tough time with this week’s brawl. Although if there’s at least one good thing to come out of this Weekly Brawl, it’s that if you spend enough time with it, you’ll learn the right way to play an offensive support character.

Senior Editor
From The Chatty
  • reply
    July 6, 2016 9:00 AM

    Daniel Perez posted a new article, Shack Reels: Overwatch Weekly Brawl: Show Your Support

    • reply
      July 6, 2016 9:41 AM

      This brawl is the worst. Blizzard needs to put permanent random heroes as a mode...

      • reply
        July 6, 2016 10:29 AM

        Yea. It's pretty bad. I enjoy playing support during Quick Play, but this mode needs some serious tweaking. At least make Mercy a little more aggressive or something.

    • reply
      July 6, 2016 10:57 AM

      They should call this weeks brawl "Lucio gets POTG, every time"

    • reply
      July 6, 2016 11:07 AM

      I enjoyed last week's brawl. Pharah + Mercy only and decreased cooldowns (i.e. permanent flight) was kind of fun.

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