The Last Guardian confirmed for this year
And Trico may be as annoying as Yorda in Ico.
The Last Guardian may finally be in the home stretch. Sony had said earlier this month that the oft-delayed game would be released this year, but now Fumito Ueda has also confirmed the time frame.
In an interview with Edge magazine (via International Business Times), the creator of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus said that he is worried and excited at the same time about the game's release this year. The Edge preview said that the enormous cat-rat-bird creature called Trico will be hard to tame, can could eventually become annoying, something Ueda said was possible.
"It would be a lie to stay that I have no worries," he told the magazine, "but another game where you can completely control a creature wouldn't be enjoyable for me because there are a lot out there where you can do that. I think I've had enough of them."
Ueda went on to say that the development team has put a lot of work into Trico's AI in an attempt to give it a distinct personality.
"This creature isn't like the cute pets that exist in other games, or an ally that's really useful," he said. "The role of the creature is ambiguous; that's something we wanted to express in the game, and it doesn't always do what you ask it to do. That's one of the themes of The Last Guardian. It's something that's difficult, and completely different. I want to create the next thing - an experience that people have never had before. The amount of code is very large compared to AI in conventional games. We've given this creature its own desires, so depending on what action it wants to take, that affects everything, including its animation. It's not like a normal humanoid character."
The preview offered up several new gameplay elements as well, including a shield mechanic that allows the boy to target a spot, and Trico will then blast that spot with a breath weapon.
Issue 294 of the magazine is out now on shelves if you want to check out the full preview. It is quite likely that Sony will showcase this at E3 as well.

Aaron Linde posted a new article, The Last Guardian confirmed for this year