Forza Motorsport 6: Apex open PC beta kicks off today
It's a slimmed down version of the Xbox One game, but its PC!
Free-to-play Forza Motorsport 6: Apex has kicked off its open beta as planned, and now you can jump into the single-player aspect of the game as long as you have Windows 10 installed.
The curated version of the Xbox One game is available for download from the Microsoft Store and developer Turn 10 Studios is soliciting feedback via its website and its official forums to make sure it offers a good in-game experience. The game has 63 cars, and 20 tracks in six locations. It allows players to compete against the "drivetars" of other Forza 6 players, but has no online multiplayer.
The beta will go on for several months, and Turn 10 has promised that support for a driving wheel is in the works.
Before you download, be sure to check out the specs recommended for the game. Windows 10 is a must, unfortunately.
Aaron Linde posted a new article, Forza Motorsport 6: Apex open PC beta kicks off today
Downloading it now! Been waiting for Forza to come to the PC for a long time. Hope this does well and they keep bringing the future editions to PC. I know wheel support is on it's way but I'm wondering if it'll support my G27, afaik the xbox one doesn’t support the g27 for some dumb reason. I wouldn't put it past microsoft to fuck it up and not enable that support on PC.
Played around with it.
Xbox One controller vibration magical stuff
Good car controls
No wheel support
Preset graphics settings
Pay to play if you want stuff earlier, which is frustrating early on
Not enough tracks
Not enough cars
So uh yeah, it is a beta in the true sense and hopefully they can fix a bunch of stuff. For "free" it is worth checking out though. -