Fallout 4 Season Pass will increase to $50 on March 1st; is it worth it?

Bethesda is promising $60 worth of downloadable content for Fallout 4, which as a result, has increased the season pass price. Is it really worth it?


Bethesda announced its DLC plans for Fallout 4 today, but with that announcement came some important information regarding the pricing of its season pass. Starting on March 1st, the previously-priced $29.99 Fallout 4 season pass will jump up to nearly double that amount, to $49.99.

In a statement submitted to Shacknews, Bethesda explains the reason for the price increase is due to its “expanded DLC plan.” Thankfully, the publisher is offering some caveats. First, those who purchased the $29.99 season pass will not be asked for more money, which we think would be quite impossible to enforce anyway. Second, you’ll have the opportunity to purchase the Fallout 4 season pass at its original $29.99 price for the next two weeks as the price increase will go into effect starting March 1.

While the price increase will come as a surprise to fans of Fallout 4, you need to consider it will cover all downloadable content Bethesda ever does for the game. Fallout 4 isn’t the first game to ask for $50 for its season pass as the Call of Duty series and Star Wars Battlefront have aimed for that price point for its respective passes.

We don’t know how much DLC the $50 season pass will cover, although Bethesda says the amount of add-ons it plans on delivering for Fallout 4 will retail for around $60. In other words, Bethesda appears to be promising as much of an experience as a full retail game would, which we hope turns out to be true for Fallout 4. The game itself is worth its $60 price, so if Bethesda could offer double the experience, then we could be playing Fallout 4 for a long, long, long time.

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