Green Man Gaming won't have Star Wars Battlefront PC keys at launch

We felt a great disturbance in the force.


Green Man Gaming has announced it has already exhausted its current stock of Star Wars Battlefront PC keys, meaning a number of its customers will only be receiving their keys some time after the game’s release.

The company announced this lapse in service in an email sent out to its customers, which was acquired by Shacknews. Green Man Gaming assures its customers it is working with more distributors to ensure all who ordered Star Wars Battlefront receive their keys within 48 hours of its release. It states many of its users will not be affected by this issue, although if you don’t receive your key tomorrow, it promises users will receive their key before the end of the day on Thursday, November 19th.

Green Man Gaming is offering a 30% off site-wide voucher in order to apologize for the inconvenience, which users should expect to receive some time after their order has been fulfilled.

This isn’t the first time Green Man Gaming has had issues fulfilling orders as it didn’t supply many of its customers with keys for The Witcher 3 earlier this year. Customers have also had issues with their keys for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 and it’s been discovered it isn’t an authorized retailer for Activision, Ubisoft, and WB Games products. We hope those of you who ordered Battlefront from Green Man Gaming get what you actually paid for, although given the retailer's history, we wouldn't be surprised if this is yet another black eye for its already damaged reputation.

Senior Editor
From The Chatty
  • reply
    November 16, 2015 7:00 AM

    Daniel Perez posted a new article, Green Man Gaming won't have Star Wars Battlefront PC keys at launch

    • reply
      November 16, 2015 7:09 AM

      These guys aren't legit, key resales and their distributors are most likely from countries where the $ exchange is in their favor. Not authorized by that many publishers? C'mon.

    • reply
      November 16, 2015 7:10 AM

      Just got my email. SO, I won't get the preorder Jaku bonus, but it did cost me ~25% less than origin would have and they are giving me a 30% off coupon for my next order too, so, net win I guess.

    • reply
      November 16, 2015 7:28 AM

      Wow. Didn't hear about the blops3 key issue. They seem to be getting shadier

      • reply
        November 16, 2015 7:55 AM

        And now there's this:

        I really hope it's not true, because the prices there have been so good for so long that I'd have a hard time going back to paying $60 for PC games.

        • reply
          November 16, 2015 8:22 AM


          • reply
            November 16, 2015 8:53 AM

            As a consumer you should really care. You support shady company and your money is most probably not going to developers and producers of the games you buy.

            Never support gray market. Is very often connected to organized crime (not saying in this case, but as a general rule).

          • reply
            November 16, 2015 9:51 AM

            The main danger with gray market sites is that they can obtain keys from "distributors" who buy keys with money laundering or identity theft. Basically selling stolen goods. Is GMG getting keys from these sources? Who knows, but there's a reason why they don't say who their sources are beyond protecting them from publisher backlash.

            • reply
              November 16, 2015 9:57 AM

              Why would there need to be any reason beyond that?

              • reply
                November 16, 2015 9:58 AM

                Yeah, I'm not interested in "they might be doing this". On the surface, GMG seems legit, and until/unless there's proof otherwise (and not just reddit conjecture), I see no reason to assume they're doing anything illegal.

                • reply
                  November 16, 2015 10:11 AM

                  Yeah they updated the info on WB Games which I was questioning initially because I requested a refund for Arkham Knight Season Pass two weeks ago almost and it was processed and removed from Steam. Thus WA something WB was doing from their end so they had to have had a relationship for that system to work.

              • reply
                November 16, 2015 10:04 AM

                Because for the most part they appear to be legit and actually have decent customer service. They refunded my Batman Arkham Knight Season Pass and I saw the Steam key for my account was removed a few days ago. So they legitimately have a process for that. But as a business they run on razor thin margins so the only way to grow is through volume. This will increase the chances of them to get it from sources that aren't legit. Criminal enterprises that will set up legitimate businesses to do launder money, that's a key component. GMG probably can't vet all their sources and when they need more supply they're potentially going to turn to shady places and not realize it. So currently there's no evidence of GMG doing it. Other sites definitely and even those sites were sources of for credit card and wire fraud. Until then, they're innocent before guilty. But things haven't been looking very good as of late.

            • reply
              November 16, 2015 10:45 AM


            • reply
              November 16, 2015 10:58 AM

              A seller simply running out of keys is not a reason to suspect foul play. You're reaching here.

              • reply
                November 16, 2015 11:07 AM

                They have to get more supply and supply has to come from somewhere. Criminal Enterprises will pretend to be legitimate business in order to tap in.

                Counterfeit goods in any other market becomes more prevalent when there's more demand for it. This doesn't mean it won't apply to them. And I'm only talking about the odds based on increase demand, reduced supply, and the ability to vet sources. There first has to be actual evidence and we got that for a few so far. They have legitimate partners like WB, others we don't know because they won't share, and in a case we do know regarding Witcher 3. I'm pretty sure they know this can potentially happen hence why they don't share who their sources are and they honestly don't have to. They're not selling regulated or sanctioned stuff like electronics, medicine, or military equipment.

                • reply
                  November 16, 2015 11:18 AM

                  That's all true and still all conjecture that has nothing (that we know of) to do with this. I'm confident that if you contacted any other vendor they would likely refuse to disclose their vendors as well. There's simply no reason to.

                • reply
                  November 16, 2015 12:09 PM


                  • reply
                    November 16, 2015 4:10 PM


                    • reply
                      November 16, 2015 4:19 PM

                      I had my credit card used to buy like $400 worth of WoW subscription cards 5 years ago. Caught that one myself. Was able to reverse the charge and get a new card. However I'm sure they subscription cards would have still worked and got resold for money.

              • reply
                November 16, 2015 12:22 PM

                Not vouching for gmg, but this is true. Steam has run out of keys before.

                • reply
                  November 16, 2015 12:25 PM

                  also in this specific case, even in that conjecture reddit thread EA/Origin was one of the few places they said GMG directly worked with

                • reply
                  November 16, 2015 6:46 PM


              • reply
                November 16, 2015 5:39 PM

                Frankly I'm more concerned about steam enabling the Russian mob to launder money through the steam marketplace. But I guess Valve gets a pass on that because GabeN.

            • reply
              November 16, 2015 5:45 PM

              That's not really gray anymore.

          • reply
            November 16, 2015 3:43 PM


        • reply
          November 16, 2015 8:36 AM

          I really liked them. Glad I never saved my CC info on there

          • reply
            November 16, 2015 3:44 PM

            Very much so. Mods sticking themselves into a situation that doesn't warrant their intrusion.

        • reply
          November 16, 2015 10:01 AM

          yeah I had no idea. This is probably the last time I do business with them.

        • reply
          November 16, 2015 2:15 PM

          Something I think a lot of people forget is that GMG's original gimmick wasn't Steam keys, it was their Capsule client that allowed you to resell digital games. One of the complaints people have against digital games is there's no way to resell them, unlike console disc games or pre-Steamworks PC games.

          Capsule was a way to handle that. Basically it was sort of like Steam but if you didn't want a game any more you could "sell" it back to GMG for credit. I don't know if they would then resell that "copy" of the game or if they sold it as "used" for cheap or what but it was basically designed to be like selling your used games to GameStop - you get some money/credit and you don't care what happens next.

          I'm guessing the problem they discovered is that there's not enough people who give a shit about this to make this a viable business, or at least not enough people willing to forego Steam to do so. Sure, the few people who give a shit about used games are very vocal and adamant about it but GMG very quickly had to resort to selling Steam keys - the antithesis of their original premise - to survive. I'm not sure if Capsule is even a thing anymore.

          And I always figured that the early games they sold for cheap - like DNF and Max Payne 3 - were deals where they were taking a loss to generate buzz and they'd stop being so cheap later. But here we are.

          I figure as long as the keys com from an authorized path we're good but if the keys come from an illegitimate source they'll be pulled quickly.

          • reply
            November 16, 2015 2:42 PM


            • reply
              November 16, 2015 3:09 PM

              The used digital games thing? Well, the games I always saw on there were from piddlyshit nobodies so yeah, the big publishers weren't on board.

              That said, remember how the original Xbone vision was basically something along these lines - games when bought would be tied to your account, selling the disc didn't sell the game, and reselling were only going to be allowed through blessed venues (like GameStop) for predetermined prices and Microsoft and the publishers got a cut. People screamed bloody murder and they said never mind.

      • reply
        November 16, 2015 8:17 AM


        • reply
          November 16, 2015 6:12 PM

          The key I got from them showed up as invalid when I entered it into Steam. I requested and received a refund, but there was a thread in their support forum with people who hadn't received a working key after 5 or 6 days of waiting for GMG customer service to respond.

    • reply
      November 16, 2015 8:26 AM

      So, does anyone know how to go about cancelling a pre-order with these guys?

      • reply
        November 16, 2015 10:06 AM

        I sent my request in.

        • reply
          November 16, 2015 11:33 AM

          Thanks. It seems as if there on-paper policy is that you can't cancel a preorder within 48 hours of the release date (which in this case happens to be less than 48 hours from when their e-mail was sent) -- but it seems as if they are still honoring cancellations for this one due to it's special circumstance.

    • reply
      November 16, 2015 8:33 AM

      This wouldn't be an issue if Babbages was still around.

    • reply
      November 16, 2015 8:39 AM

      I have never had a problem with GMG before.

      Once, I bought a game that they said would be a Steam key, and it did not end up being a Steam key. They gave me a full refund.

      • reply
        November 16, 2015 11:17 AM

        They had problems processing payment from me once but an email to customer service cleared it up pretty quick. They're an ok site.

    • reply
      November 16, 2015 10:11 AM


    • reply
      November 16, 2015 10:13 AM


      • reply
        November 16, 2015 10:19 AM

        I'd love more competition for digital game prices like you get in retail stores. Of course, publishers wouldn't love that.

    • reply
      November 16, 2015 10:15 AM

      Should update info that they are indeed an authorized reseller for WB Games.

    • reply
      November 16, 2015 10:29 AM

      Title of the article is very misleading. Only some customers won't get a key by launch.

    • reply
      November 16, 2015 10:35 AM

      Title is a bit misleading since many of their customers are going to get their keys on or before launch just not all.

    • reply
      November 16, 2015 11:02 AM


    • reply
      November 16, 2015 3:58 PM

      I got that email this morning and put in for a refund right away. Pretty shitty to announce that kind of thing on the eve of launch. Went with the good old Mexican Origin store instead of waiting to see when my GMG key would show up. At least GMG's support was good -- I got my refund literally five minutes after sending the request.

      I didn't know there was a thing with the BLOPS3 keys though. Didn't have any issues with mine.

      • reply
        November 16, 2015 5:36 PM

        I don't understand why buying what amount to grey market goods is kosher around here.

    • reply
      November 16, 2015 4:06 PM


    • reply
      November 16, 2015 5:43 PM

      lol who was the one telling me they were totally more legit than

      • reply
        November 16, 2015 5:51 PM

        I think 90% of the people in that thread and I was one of them :(

    • reply
      November 16, 2015 5:58 PM

      almost bought this but went with the best buy deal

      with GCU (so worth it, $30 for 2yrs 20% off all games) its $47.99 plus another $10 credited to your account for preordering, so $37.99 before taxes and you get a funco pop.

      Downside is I have to go to the store to pickup my games so no preloading/getting it at midnight tonight. Worth it to save the money to me though.

    • reply
      November 18, 2015 9:29 AM

      Just got my syndicate code from them a day early (they said no pre-loads) so I'm happy i guess.

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