Destiny Year One reward detailed on Bungie Day

Bungie has announced what Year One Destiny players will be able to earn just in time for The Taken King.


Bungie has revealed it will be offering an exclusive emblem for Destiny players who have been around for the first year of the game’s ups, downs, and in-betweens.

This exclusive emblem can only be achieved by players who have achieved ten Moments of Triumph by September 9. If Guardians are unable to complete these moments a few days prior to the release of The Taken King, they lose their chance to earn it forever.

The Moments of Triumph require Guardians to complete the following tasks:

  • Apprentice of Light: A character reached the maximum level
  • Light of the Garden: Defeated the dark heart of the Black Garden
  • Light in the Dark: Prevented the summoning of Crota’s Soul
  • Light of the Reef: Captured Skolas in the Vex Citadel
  • Bane of Skolas: Defeated Prison of Elders on Hard Difficulty
  • Bane of Atheon: Defeated Atheon on Hard Difficulty
  • Bane of Crota: Defeated Crota on Hard Difficulty
  • Public Servant: Completed 50 Public Events
  • Crucible Gladiator: Won 100 Crucible Matches
  • Chest Hunter: Found all Golden Chests

Players will be able to track their progress towards completing the Moments of Triumph through the Destiny companion app. Once you have completed the Moments of Triumph, you’ll be rewarded with the Laurea Prima emblem as soon The Taken King is launched on September 15.

Senior Editor
From The Chatty
  • reply
    July 7, 2015 12:21 PM

    Daniel Perez posted a new article, Destiny Year One reward detailed on Bungie Day

    • reply
      July 7, 2015 12:31 PM


    • reply
      July 7, 2015 12:40 PM

      I just picked up the vanilla edition (PS4) for $20 on Amazon. Not sure if I'm going to get far enough into it to pick up the expansions, but what I've played so far has been a lot of fun! Are the people that always complain about it the type of people that play an MMO for 20 years and bitch about "the shitty endgame" or something? Not sure why people hate on it so much, but I'm only a level 7.

      • reply
        July 7, 2015 12:45 PM

        The biggest complaints are lack of story and lack of content. I love it though, I still play it from time to time. If you ever make it to level 30+ add me on ps4 for some end game content. ps4 nickname: Nogrhi

        • reply
          July 7, 2015 12:57 PM

          Cool, I'll do that!

          I guess I can see those complaints, but the shooting feels solid, I love the art design/graphics, leveling my dude has been fun and rewarding and of course.... Loot. Maybe my expectations were just severely lowered after hearing so many complaints.

      • reply
        July 7, 2015 12:57 PM

        You know that level you're playing at level 7? Cool... now you've seen 1/4 of the game!

        • reply
          July 7, 2015 1:32 PM

          Heh. I guess I could see that being a pretty big problem for a $60 game that was meant to have MMO tendencies. Oh well! I've already got my $20 worth.

      • reply
        July 7, 2015 1:01 PM

        Wait until you hit max level and finish the story. Unless you enjoy the PvP there is nothing to do except grind Strikes.

        I only have the vanilla one as well and can't speak for the DLC.

        That said, I enjoyed the shit out of this game with the Shackers I played with. Unfortunately I burned myself out and hit 30 pretty quickly with really lucky drops in the Vault.

        • reply
          July 7, 2015 1:03 PM

          Yeah, I guess that's my thing. I'm not really thinking of it as an MMO so if I don't play it all year for 10 hours a day I don't think I'll mind its shortcomings.

      • reply
        July 7, 2015 2:43 PM


      • reply
        July 7, 2015 4:49 PM

        I've heard from some of my friends who played since launch that the game used to be much worse. Loads of quality of life changes in the last two expansions, as I understand it.

      • reply
        July 8, 2015 5:33 AM

        Story is... people say its shitty, I think its ok it just isn't anything special. You kinda have to search for the story in there yourself.

        The gameplay and gunplay is fucking amazing though - I quit playing after the first expansion dlc as I was pissed off that all my armour / weapons were instantly screwed over (I had the raiding stuff, after the expansion even the default shit you can buy was better than the raid gear)

        I keep getting the itch to play again though and I think enough time has passed for me to calm down over how they handled the weapon/armour upgrades

    • reply
      July 7, 2015 2:10 PM

      For a fuckin emblem?

      • reply
        July 7, 2015 2:16 PM

        You don't know how much you want that emblem yet.

        • reply
          July 7, 2015 4:01 PM

          Once you see the emblem, you're going to want to throw money at your screen.

      • reply
        July 7, 2015 5:25 PM

        It's all stuff you'd do anyway, so...

      • reply
        July 7, 2015 5:25 PM

        Look Mr. Stubbs, it's about the value.

      • reply
        July 7, 2015 5:50 PM

        When you see the emblem, you are going to throw your moneygrinding at the screen.

    • reply
      July 7, 2015 5:15 PM


    • reply
      July 8, 2015 2:02 AM

      i almost.. ALMOST logged back in.. then i read I have to actually play the game.

      payed for the 1st two xpacs and cant even log in to give them a chance... the disappoint runs strong with this one.

    • reply
      July 8, 2015 3:59 AM

      I'll probably never play until they introduce matchmaking for raids and I can't be arsed to use a 3rd party tool to find people.

    • reply
      July 8, 2015 4:32 AM

      This game became antithesis of what I appreciate in video games. Useless awards for stupid grind and no matchmaking support for endgame activities. They really want to get rid of everybody but hardcore players with their own fireteams.

      • reply
        July 8, 2015 6:34 AM

        Couldn't agree more. The shitty attitude towards the playerbase doesn't exactly help either.

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