Reptile slithers onto Mortal Kombat X roster

Mortal Kombat X welcomes yet another fighter to its roster, this time, everyone's favorite reptilian ninja, Reptile.


Everyone’s favorite reptilian ninja, Reptile, will be making his triumphant return in Mortal Kombat X.

As you can see from the trailer posted below, Reptile performs just as you’d expect him to as many of his signature moves, such as the Acid Spit, Slide, and Forceball, have returned. Reptile also appears to have an acid-themed hold where he unleashes an unhealthy dose of acid in his opponent’s face, to then toss them aside. Reptile’s X-Ray move appears to focus a lot on his opponent’s head as he snaps jaws, gouges eyes, and crushes skulls.

As is customary with Mortal Kombat X’s reveal videos, we’re given a glimpse at Reptile’s finishing move, which once again focuses on acid and head breaking.

Mortal Kombat X is will release on April 14 across PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 3.

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