Quantum Break gameplay debuted during Xbox Gamescom press conference

A game that was sorely missing at E3 this year is finally showcased


After missing out on E3 a couple of months ago, Remedy Entertainment finally made good in showing off the forthcoming Xbox One exclusive Quantum Break during the Xbox Gamescom press conference today in Cologne, Germany. And there's a lot to be excited about.

The game shows an unprecedented amount of detail in Remedy's current engine, with the main hero, Jack, working his way down from a torn-down building, only to hide in cover from moving patrols that are employed by Monarch Solutions. Some run-and-gun gameplay followed, along with a time-stopping element that allows you to get the jump on them with stylish melee attacks, and even surround them with time particles of some time to distract them, eventually allowing your bullets to penetrate them and eventually kill them. You'll have to be careful, though, as some form of meter in the corner of the screen tracks how sparingly you can use these powers.

At one point, Jack finds himself facing a dire situation when a truck drives over a bridge, right at him. However, with time being frozen, he's able to escape out of it and work his way to the next area, trying to find where he needs to go next. Seeing everything "frozen", even for a moment, is a superb effect that really plays out on the Xbox One. You can even take a close look at victims of the current situation, if you want to add an emotional effect to what your character is doing.

However, Jack isn't the only one that can play with the time effect, as some soldiers are able to cut straight through it and confront him. During the demo, one managed to fling a car at him and fire bullets, and even use the same time-flow effects he does when it comes to their certain techniques. Jack will have to think, and react, quickly if he wants to stay in one piece. Check it out for yourself below!

Quantum Break will make its debut on Xbox in 2015.

Robert Workman was previously a games journalist creating content at Shacknews.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    August 12, 2014 5:59 AM

    Robert Workman posted a new article, Quantum Break gameplay debuted during Xbox Gamescom press conference.

    A game that was sorely missing at E3 this year is finally showcased

    • reply
      August 12, 2014 6:08 AM

      Looks good. Shooting looks meaty and tasty unlike The Order which looked pathetic and anemic, but TV/ game crossovers? That's all bullshit. Delete that.

    • reply
      August 12, 2014 9:04 AM

      Man Quantum Break looks freaking AMAZING, must have for my XB1, awesome.

      I really dig the time manipulation, must have game for me.

      • reply
        August 12, 2014 9:20 AM

        Remedy is so good at atmosphere too. This was the game that really piqued my interest when the Xbox was announced. The Xbox can look really good, I think its just on cross platforms it doesn't show itself as well.

        • reply
          August 12, 2014 9:26 AM

          Yeah, I'll wait for the PC version.

          • reply
            August 12, 2014 1:01 PM

            Was just about to say, sad that this isn't on PC. But they said Alan Wake would be Xbox only and it made it over, so who knows.

    • reply
      August 12, 2014 1:29 PM

      i guess i'm the only one who's unimpressed by this? pretty generic cover shooter with time manipulation, which has been fairly extensively at this point. and then we get some scripted global time freeze event that seems neat, but would get old after a couple set pieces.

      solid meh.

      • reply
        August 12, 2014 1:32 PM

        perhaps spoke too soon. the final battle was kinda neat and showed some variation in the gimmick. if the game is more than that hiding behind conveniently placed waist high objects and slowing down enemies to run around them it could be aite.

    • reply
      August 12, 2014 1:33 PM

      I really hope a PC version gets released later like AW. I really want to play this, Remedy games are usually gold

    • reply
      August 12, 2014 2:04 PM

      Looks very nice.

    • reply
      August 15, 2014 12:42 AM

      No PC version, no play.

      Just like with Alan Wake. Took quite many years before that came to PC, but it finally did. I expect the same from this game. Remedy can't be that stupid that they would hit their head on the same brick wall again and disregard the PC gamers.

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