PlanetSide 2 gets tiered Directives in new update
Pick up some new weapons and bragging rights thanks to a new tiered achivement system debuting in the latest PlanetSide 2 update.
As promised back in July, Sony Online Entertainment is ready to release an all-new tiered achivement system to PlanetSide 2. It's called Directives and it adds some new goals to allow players to unlock exclusive prestige weapons and attachments for the ongoing war for Auraxis.

There are currently 180 possible points in place spread across all available Directives, each of which contains five Directive Tiers. You can see some Directive examples that creative director Matt Higby posted on Twitter earlier today. Directives are spread across all of the game's roles, including each infantry class and vehicles.
Expect to see new Directives over the course of future updates. This will be the first update SOE has in store for PlanetSide 2 this month, with the team aiming to add the Valkyrie vehicle later in August.
Ozzie Mejia posted a new article, PlanetSide 2 gets tiered Directives in new update.
Pick up some new weapons and bragging rights thanks to a new tiered achivement system debuting in the latest PlanetSide 2 update.-
You can't find one because there still isn't one.
I was looking forward to this game on PS4,but now with Destiny right around the corner,I really couldn't care less about it.And by the time things might start getting boring on Destiny,Arkham Knight will probably be out,and hopefully The Division,so as far as I'm concerned,they could cancel the game on PS4 and it wouldn't bother me one bit.-
Planetside 2 and Destiny have nothing in common at all. They both be MMOs but that is where the comparisons stop really. PS2 is really about emergent battles between players which none of it is scripted. If you were going to compare a game's gameplay to PS2 the closest ones would be the Battlefield series. It is one of the most drop in/out friendly MMOs out there with this kind of scope and ranks only allow you access to upgrades to abilities.
Its way different experience to be able to roll up a convoy of 100 vehicles to having battles with handful people like in other games.-
Who said that they did have anything in common?Not me.
I was just saying that with new anticipated titles that will have long lasting gameplay,like Destiny and The Division,If I'm spending most of my time playing them,I won't give a shit about getting into the super grind of Planetside 2.
I feel like they dropped the ball and have missed their window of opportunity to really capture as many players as they could.By the time this game actually is released on PS4,I don't think nearly as many people will be interested as if the game would have come out any time before right now.