Crytek reportedly cancels projects amid financial difficulties

Crytek is reportedly undergoing financial troubles, causing it to miss payments and cancel projects like a sequel to Ryse.


Crytek is reportedly going through financial and staffing difficulties, forcing it to cancel some projects in progress. According to the sources, a sequel to Ryse: Son of Rome was canceled, along with prototypes for other games.

Kotaku reports that according to anonymous sources, the German and British offices have lost high-level employees. One source even claims that approximately 100 people have left the company. Current and former employees also say the developer has missed payments as well. The problems started to become apparent when one particular check was delayed, after they canned Ryse 2.

"Suddenly the direction everyone saw us go in was not that clear anymore," said one employee. "It was obvious that we didn't have any big time publishers at our back to finance our development... A lot of people started to get frustrated then (and started to look for other work), as the strategy was not clear to the employees."

Crytek, for its part, has denied the issues. Shacknews contacted the studio regarding the bankruptcy rumors, and received the following statement:

“Regardless of what some media are reporting, mostly based on a recent article published by GameStar, the information in those reports and in the Gamestar article itself are rumors which Crytek deny. We continue to focus on the development and publishing of our upcoming titles Homefront: The Revolution, Hunt: Horrors of the Gilded Age, Arena of Fate, and Warface, as well as providing ongoing support for our CRYENGINE and its licensees. We have received a lot of positive feedback during and after E3 from both gaming press and gamers, and would like to thank our loyal employees, fans and business partners for their continuous support.”

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    June 24, 2014 9:37 AM

    Steve Watts posted a new article, Crytek reportedly cancels projects amid financial difficulties.

    Crytek is reportedly undergoing financial troubles, causing it to miss payments and cancel projects like a sequel to Ryse.

    • reply
      June 24, 2014 9:51 AM

      Not surprised one bit. They put all their eggs in the Crysis basket and now COD will do them one better. Meanwhile there sitting on Darkstalkers and Time Splitters and giving their fans the middle finger.
      Wonder why their hurting now?

    • reply
      June 24, 2014 9:53 AM

      maybe it's pirates?

      didnt they deny this yesterday? did they make an about face?

    • reply
      June 24, 2014 10:05 AM

      But they said they're not having financial difficulties. So confused ;.;

    • reply
      June 24, 2014 10:11 AM

      Aw man, Ryse was awesome.

      • reply
        June 24, 2014 10:18 AM

        Agreed, I don't care what anyone says, I thought it was a pretty solid game. I completely wrote it off until my friend forced me to give it a try. Hopefully Microsoft can fund the sequel's development like they did for Dead Rising 3.

        • reply
          June 24, 2014 10:36 AM


          • reply
            June 25, 2014 8:31 AM

            this post was good, but i felt about 10 seconds too long. Also the grammar never really got any better, and I felt was a bit of a grind towards the end.

    • reply
      June 24, 2014 10:12 AM

      cancel projects like a sequel to Ryse.


    • reply
      June 24, 2014 10:13 AM


    • reply
      June 24, 2014 10:35 AM


    • reply
      June 24, 2014 3:00 PM

      Jason Schreier's article with anonymous accounts of video game industry layoffs is worth a read:

      This priceless quote from the Radical / Vivendi one applies all across tech companies (and businesses in general):

      Management in every games company really likes to do the "sandwich" whenever they have to say something bad: they start with something positive, they give you the bad news, and then mention something good again. The "sandwich" is the most absurd communication technique ever invented by mankind and should be banned from every management book on Earth. The result is that, after a few years in the industry, every experienced game developer has a Pavlovian terror response whenever he hears good news!

      ...and this one from a small Chinese developer is just plain hilarious in its executive stupidity:

      So the CEO decided we no longer needed artists...any artists at all, so he took all 17 of them into his office. There he told them they are all fired, and that they must sign the form on his desk to say that they accept the mutual termination of their contract and are due no severance pay. Now this may have worked if he did it 1 on 1, with a bit of intimidation from his powerful parents, however when there are 17 people in the room? The artists burst out in hysterical laughter and told him there is no fucking way any of them are signing that shit. They then all went to a nearby law firm, got themselves an employment lawyer and sued the company. I'm no longer there, but I hear they got quite a nice payout, 3-4x what they would have been owed in severance.

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