Severed is the next game from Guacamelee dev

"Severed" tells the story of a warrior who wakes up missing a part of her arm. Exploring an open world, she will fight enemies with gesture-based controls a la Infinity Blade. Along the way, she'll gain new powers by severing and attaching enemy body parts.


Drinkbox Studios is probably best known for their excellent Metroidvania game, Guacamelee. Their next game takes their signature stylized 2D art and takes it to a new direction--both in terms of mood and genre.

"Severed" tells the story of a warrior who wakes up missing a part of her arm. Exploring an open world, she will fight enemies with gesture-based controls a la Infinity Blade. Along the way, she'll gain new powers by severing and attaching enemy body parts.

The dungeon crawler will feature nonlinear gameplay that allows players the ability to choose when and how they want to upgrade. "The high-level structure is kind of like a Mega Man structure I would say," lead designer Greg Lesky told Destructoid. "You can go down one path, or you can try going down one path and if it's not really working you can go down a different path and try that path, get the new piece of armor or whatever it is from that path, and then try that first path again [as] you'll be more upgraded."

Being a gesture-based game, Severed is ideally suited for touch screens. Mobile is "a given," but the team is also considering Vita, 3DS, and Wii U. Drinkbox is aiming for a 2015 release, meaning the studio has quite a bit of time to figure things out.

Andrew Yoon was previously a games journalist creating content at Shacknews.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    April 14, 2014 6:30 AM

    Andrew Yoon posted a new article, Severed is the next game from Guacamelee dev.

    "Severed" tells the story of a warrior who wakes up missing a part of her arm. Exploring an open world, she will fight enemies with gesture-based controls a la Infinity Blade. Along the way, she'll gain new powers by severing and attaching enemy body parts.

    • reply
      April 14, 2014 6:56 AM

      Looks rad.

    • reply
      April 14, 2014 7:15 AM

      "Along the way, she'll gain new powers by severing and attaching enemy body parts."

      like the ability to pee while standing up?

    • reply
      April 14, 2014 2:46 PM

      A mobile game? Really? Ugh...hate this trend of good developers jumping on the mobile (aka crappy little game) bandwagon.

      • reply
        April 14, 2014 2:47 PM


        • reply
          April 14, 2014 2:54 PM

          I know. But would you want to live in a world where there are no more fine restaurants, because every restaurateur decided to just make fast food instead?

      • reply
        April 14, 2014 10:46 PM

        but the team is also considering Vita, 3DS, and Wii U.

        That solves that.

    • reply
      April 14, 2014 3:03 PM

      wow, looks really interesting

    • reply
      April 14, 2014 3:03 PM


      • reply
        April 14, 2014 10:48 PM

        They were able to take Guacamelee, which was originally a PSN game, and expand it to just about every platform imaginable. I really wouldn't worry about this new game staying "mobile-only" for very long.

    • reply
      April 14, 2014 3:08 PM

      Loved Guacamelee so I should give them the benefit of the doubt, but the mobile only thing makes me sad.

    • reply
      April 14, 2014 6:44 PM


    • reply
      April 14, 2014 10:58 PM

      The parallax and art reminds me of Samurai Jack

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