GTA Online attracts 70% of connected GTA5 players
The vast majority of connected GTA5 players are diving into the online mode, giving it a long life even after its initial sales boom.
The vast majority of connected Grand Theft Auto 5 players are diving into the online mode, according to Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick. In a recent interview, he hailed the persistence of GTAO as a success in and of itself, beyond the blockbuster success of its initial sales boom.
"70 per cent of the people who play GTA V while they're online are playing GTA Online, and that's turning out to be a very interesting property in and of itself," Zelnick said in an interview with Fox News (via "It's a persistent world and it continues to live."
He said that thanks to this, it's the "gift that keeps on giving," and stressed that ongoing spending is a relatively new trend for the company that is used to collecting its cash and moving onto the next project. On top of that, he gave himself a little pat on the back for calling it. "I talked about that when we took over Take-Two six years ago, and it's nice to see it coming true," he said.
This was no doubt aided by regular updates to GTA Online, most recently in the form of user-created jobs. Rockstar has been steadily pumping out more content for GTAO, and the possibility of a PC version would give it another shot in the arm.
Steve Watts posted a new article, GTA Online attracts 70% of connected GTA5 players.
The vast majority of connected GTA5 players are diving into the online mode, giving it a long life even after its initial sales boom.-
You're criticizing him for liking money, and then demanding that they release other versions of the game. That's a little incongruous. Also, I'm surprised you didn't go completely sophomoric and call him, "Strausse Buttlick." It was there for the taking, but you half-assed it. Overall, I'm very disappointed. You should be renamed apprenticemike569