Think Hungry Hungry Hippos, but without the marbles
After the round is over, a new contest begins with slightly different rules. These include collecting stars that are scattered across a stage, with characters once again growing in size depending how many they eat. Other variations can be introduced by the player as well- and built to their own standards, as the game will come with a level editor upon its release.
The game isn't just limited by single player content either. Pig Eat Ball also comes with single player challenges, such as getting through obstacle-laden stages and outrunning a giant buzzsaw at top speed. However, the multiplayer is the real focus, as it represents the kind of "local party game" vibe that few games are missing these days.
Even though our time with the game was all-too-brief, Pig Eat Ball has a lot going for it, between a solid single-player set-up and enjoyable multiplayer. It's just a shame that Mommy's Best Games can't bring those "butt rumble" effects along for the ride. Hmmm, maybe if players wanted to sit on their controllers...