Titanfall PC version getting visual upgrades from Nvidia
Titanfall is about to look a whole lot prettier on PC. Nvidia has announced that they'll be working with Respawn on a number of upcoming visual improvements for the game's PC version, including temporal anti-aliasing, SLI multi-GPU support, and 4k resolution for high-end monitors.
Titanfall is about to look a whole lot prettier on PC. Nvidia has announced that they'll be working with Respawn on a number of upcoming visual improvements for the game's PC version. Among the items on the agenda: temporal anti-aliasing, SLI multi-GPU support, and 4k resolution for high-end monitors.
"We are working towards implementing several NVIDIA GameWorks technologies that can make Titanfall look and play even better, including TXAA [temporal anti-aliasing] for high quality anti-aliasing and HBAO+ [Horizon Based Ambient Occlusion+] technologies for improved shadow details," Respawn's Vince Zampella told the Nvidia blog (via PC Gamer). "We will also be working towards updates for SLI and 4k support to ensure a fantastic high end PC experience."
There is no target timetable as to when any of these additions will make it into Titanfall's PC version.
While Respawn looks into improving the visual quality of Titanfall's PC iteration, the developer has just issued the game's first patch. Check out the full list of changes here.
Ozzie Mejia posted a new article, Titanfall PC version getting visual upgrades from Nvidia.
Titanfall is about to look a whole lot prettier on PC. Nvidia has announced that they'll be working with Respawn on a number of upcoming visual improvements for the game's PC version, including temporal anti-aliasing, SLI multi-GPU support, and 4k resolution for high-end monitors.-
yeah "Respawn Entertainment, the game's developer, claims the uncompressed audio was included for the benefit of slower PCs. "A two-core machine would dedicate a huge chunk of one core to just decompressing audio," says Richard Baker, Respawn's Lead Engineer. "We couldn't dedicate those resources to audio." The Xbox One decodes audio in hardware, so it has no such limitation."
http://techreport.com/news/26146/titanfall-pc-includes-35gb-of-uncompressed-audio -
Yeah, everything on low here and I get sub-30FPS pretty frequently. i7 860 @ 4.0GHz, 8GB RAM, GTX 570. I know the 570's getting long in the tooth (I'm waiting for the 8xx cards to upgrade), but I expect everything on low to result in better performance than that. BF4 with almost everything on medium or high runs a lot better.
Yes but if you know that many other people like it then why do you think people won't play it for a long time? It's like you think you are the only customer or something? But you seem to admit you know other people really like it. So I don't understand why you are writing the things you are writing.
Yeah I get that you don't like it and that your are confused why other people like it. What I don't get is why you think people won't play it in the future even though you recognize other people like it.
I mean I don't personally like Barbie dolls and I don't understand why kids think they are interesting, but I don't think Barbie dolls are going to be gone in a year just because I don't like them.
I currently feel the same way. I've only played enough to reach level 13 but thus far I don't like the game. The first online shooter I played was Starsiege: Tribes back in 1999 and since then I compare every online shooter to the Tribes series, and to me even the worst Tribes game is more fun than Titanfall :/ Maybe I'll keep trying but I never liked the modern Call of Duty multiplayer and this feels similar despite the addition of titans and wall running.
I think Xbox One, and Titanfall in particular, murdered Visceral Monkey's wife and first born.
I don't know if it's a product of coming in hot on 30 , thus when I spent my formative years, or the kind of person I am, but when I see someone repeatedly targeting something for what seems like arbitrary attacks I don't think "troll"
I think that you must be on some epic quest of exacting righteous vengeance.-
I'll tell you what really disappoints me, that so many of the games that I was looking forward to crushing with my PC even though I did get both consoles have been delayed and even downgraded visually back past console fidelity.
I only hope that they allow you to ramp up the visuals on pc or you can force some major tweaks. Otherwise, I would be a whole lot more disappointed with the consoles than I am. But I do like the kind of games that get made for both the playstation and xbox, though.