Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare review: seeds well planted
Remarkably, PopCap has managed to create an experience that delivers all the strategic twitch combat of a shooter, presented with PvZ's unique charm.

The Chomper's good at devouring the competition

Just because you're dead doesn't mean you don't need a belt, dude
This review is based on a retail Xbox One copy provided by the publisher. Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare is available now for Xbox One and Xbox 360 for $39.99 and $29.99, and will be released for PC this summer. The game is rated E10.
Robert Workman posted a new article, Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare review: seeds well planted.
Remarkably, PopCap has managed to create an experience that delivers all the strategic twitch combat of a shooter, presented with PvZ's unique charm.-
Fair warning. The split-screen coop for xbone is bullshit.
Player 2 doesn't unlock any coins, challengers, or upgrades, at all. We even tried signing me out and him back in as primary and he's still level 0. So in short: player 2 couch coop will always have nothing but default, which is really lame. -
This game is a ton of fun! Graphics are great, game play is fast and the Boss mode via Smart Glass is pretty cool too. The PvZ humor is in tact and made me lol several times and the game is a refreshing take on 1st person shooters.
With Rayman Legends last week, PvZ this week and Titanfall in a couple weeks, I'm totally loving my XB1. -