Call of Duty: Ghosts 'Onslaught' lets you inhabit Michael Myers

Infinity Ward has detailed the maps in its upcoming Call of Duty: Ghosts "Onslaught" DLC, including the "Fog" map that serves as an homage to horror films and lets you play as the iconic Halloween villain Michael Myers.


Infinity Ward announced its first downloadable pack for Call of Duty: Ghosts over the weekend, but the teases left some mystery to the whole affair. The full reveal details each of the maps, including one that lets you inhabit a famous movie monster.

The map Fog is an homage to horror films. It's filled with abandoned structures like a barn and cabin, a campsite, flickering TVs, and a torture chamber. If you complete a certain Field Order, you take on the role of Halloween antagonist Michael Myers, armed with an axe. The sound also changes to the movie's iconic theme music, so other players will know that they're being hunted by the boogieman.

The other three maps aren't quite so movie-based. BayView is set on a California boardwalk complete with gift shops and an aquarium, but players have to watch for artillery strikes from an offshore Naval Destroyer. Containment takes place in a Mexican village, as players fight over a bridge with a hijacked truck leaking radioactive material. Ignition is inspired by the Scrapyard from Modern Warfare 2, and features crashing rockets and two separate test engines that players can trigger to spring a trap on the other team.

Finally, the DLC will include the 'Maverick' weapon, which can be used as an assault rifle or sniper rifle. As previously reported, the pack is due on January 28 for Xbox One due to its exclusivity deal, with other platforms following later.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    January 14, 2014 6:20 AM

    Steve Watts posted a new article, Call of Duty: Ghosts 'Onslaught' lets you inhabit Michael Myers.

    Infinity Ward has detailed the maps in its upcoming Call of Duty: Ghosts "Onslaught" DLC, including the "Fog" map that serves as an homage to horror films and lets you play as the iconic Halloween villain Michael Myers.

    • reply
      January 14, 2014 8:17 AM

      Looks great. I will buy.

    • reply
      January 14, 2014 11:31 AM

      Infinity Ward... I approve.

    • reply
      January 16, 2014 5:29 PM

      I don't remember Michael Myers having an Axe..?

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