The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD (almost) perfects a classic

Impressions of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, the Wii U revamp of the 2005 GameCube title.

Editor's note: Given its similarities to the original Gamecube release, we decided against a formal review of the recently-released Wii U version. Instead, we focus on how the HD release improves upon the original.
I don't know if I've ever seen a widespread opinion shift like it has for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. When it first came out as I was in college--yes, I'm an old man--opponents to its unique visual style were overwhelmingly vocal. In the eight years since, gamers have almost uniformly softened on it, as it has aged gracefully while others from the same era have not. If any skeptics remain nowadays, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD is the final salvo to win them over. It's gorgeous. It's rare for me to be wowed by visual punch in games, mostly because so many games attempt some form of realism and fall just short of achieving that goal. But the stylistic touches of Wind Waker have aged well, and seeing them given an HD makeover really shows how the art direction itself holds up beautifully. Big splashy fields of color and sharp angular geometry may have been a concession to hardware power in its day, but if nothing else it now proves that great artistry can flourish when given some constraints.

Link, standing at the edge of greatness (and also a cliff)

In fact, the entire world is brimming with that same level of personality. These are still some of the most visually interesting monsters, expressive characters, and varied gameplay types in any Zelda title. Link, in particular, benefits from a design that accents wide eyes and a varied expressions. The story provides a fresh take on the Zelda mythos for those who haven't experienced it, but I enjoyed reliving the twists and turns over again. Unfortunately, the setting of this particular legend involves a world covered almost entirely with water, which makes for lengthy bits of sailing between dungeons. Nintendo has made a few concessions to reduce backtracking, particularly in the case of an infamous fetch-quest near the end. But, you'll still find yourself going on long sailing trips between islands, sometimes only to learn some new bit of information and then go on yet another journey. It's stirring the first few times the score kicks up as Link's trademark hat flaps in the ocean breeze, but too much of the time is still spent simply setting a course and sailing straight. You could go make yourself a sandwich. The GamePad functionality does little to correct this issue, which feels like a missed opportunity. At the very least, I expected an easier toggle for the wind direction, rather than having to use the titular Wind Waker baton every time. In most other ways, though, it makes for a handy tool. It provides easy access to the dungeon map and swapping items without going through the trouble of entering a menu screen. Given that Zelda games depend on a lot of item-juggling, this was a hassle-saver. Nintendo's tentative step into experimental multiplayer is a welcome one too. I've only picked up a few Tingle Bottles, placed as a simple diversion when sailing around, but it's always nice finding little messages left behind by other players. It even smartly lets you choose whether you want spoilers in your messages or not. First-timers would be theoretically safe, but it's hard to tell how closely Nintendo is monitoring that aspect. One message I collected had a story point where a shop owner is tied up, with a message about him being into "kinky stuff." Clearly some level of adult content is getting through, so spoilers might be too.
Wind Waker was and remains a shorter Zelda game, especially compared to the staggering length of Skyward Sword. It was criticized in its day for being a little too short after Zelda fans had come to expect eight massive dungeons, but as I get less patient with overlong games, one that knows when to quit feels just right. And looking back, that's what I appreciate so much about Wind Waker. It tried so many new things, and was mostly careful not to overstep. The visual style is quirky but not too childish, the story is different but maintains the Zelda touchstones, the dialogue is snappy without being snarky. It was one of the most satisfying Zelda games I'd played when it came out, and it remains among the best of a deservedly revered series.
This review is based on download code provided by the publisher. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD will be available at retail on Wii U tomorrow. It is also currently available digitally on the eShop for $49.99. It is rated E10+.
From The Chatty
  • reply
    October 3, 2013 12:00 PM

    Steve Watts posted a new article, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD (almost) perfects a classic.

    Impressions of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, the Wii U revamp of the 2005 GameCube title.

    • reply
      October 3, 2013 12:49 PM

      I have to agree and most of this: the game is beautiful and it is fun. I didn't like the cartoon cell shaded look either, but over the years have warmed up to it kinda the same way I did with Pikmin.... and there is a way to get the wind to follow whichever way you go and not have to use the wand. {spoiler} You have to get the super sail at the auction house in Windfall. It also makes sailing way faster. {spoiler}

      • reply
        October 3, 2013 1:18 PM

        I've honestly tried to like this game, starting it three times over only to drop it after the first dungeon. While I can appreciate why others like it, I much prefer land exploration over the boat/train phase the game went through on GC and handheld. Also, I always enjoyed the darker versions of the game, with Wind Waker having a little too much bright youthful cheer than I can handle.

        • reply
          October 3, 2013 1:28 PM

          I really enjoy much of the Wind Waker, but it can never be my favorite because of how much the sailing bores me. I need engaging traversal gameplay in games like this, and the Wind Waker just doesn't do it for me.

          • reply
            October 3, 2013 9:54 PM

            my favorite is A Link to.the Past.

    • reply
      October 3, 2013 1:24 PM

      Wind Waker, Ocarina and LTTP are the only 2 Zelda games I've ever finished. I bought a WiiU Zelda edition yesterday to go through this game again. It's interesting that just like the N64, it took a Zelda game to get me to buy the system.

      Bonus points for interchangable Sensor bars on the Wii / U so I didn't have to run that thing again.

    • reply
      October 3, 2013 1:46 PM


    • reply
      October 3, 2013 1:59 PM


    • reply
      October 3, 2013 2:08 PM

      Best looking game I've seen to date.

    • reply
      October 3, 2013 2:23 PM

      It's nice to see the best Zelda game ever made getting some respect years later. I'm actually considering purchasing the Wii U Zelda bundle. The Mario game coming out next month plus the new Mario Kart and Smash Bros next year might be just enough 1st-party punch to get me to do it. Lack of interesting PS4/XB launch titles makes it even more tempting.

    • reply
      October 3, 2013 3:17 PM

      I'm glad you decided against a formal review and ended up giving what appears to be an outstanding game a 6/10. Now fix your broken review system.

    • reply
      October 4, 2013 5:52 AM

      Is the camera correct in this one and not reversed? I can't stand the original GameCube controls.

    • reply
      October 4, 2013 11:03 AM

      This is the first game to make me even consider picking up a WiiU. It really does look beautiful.

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