Ouya founder responds to Free the Games Fund controversy

Ouya founder Julie Uhrman has responded to a controversy brewing surrounding its "Free the Games Fund" promotion, but it doesn't seem to have satisfied indie devs critical of the program.


Controversy has been brewing over Ouya's Free the Games Fund campaign. The promotion aims to match funding towards Kickstarter games that promise Ouya exclusivity--as long as they secure at least $50,000--up to $250,000. But two games quickly fell under scrutiny for their funding practices. Elementary, My Dear Holmes and Gridiron Thunder have been accused of boosting funds in not-so-nice ways.

Facing criticism, Ouya's Julie Uhrman responded with a blog post lamenting that the intent "seems to have been lost."

Uhrman's blog post didn't offer much of an apology. "The truth is, openness is hard. Being open means everything is fair game, and it means sometimes things don't work out exactly as you hope. And when it doesn't work out, everyone knows," she wrote. "We're OK with all that, though, because being open is worth it."

"We believe (still) that great games from great developers can be discovered this way--by you," she continued. "If we can put aside the doubt and embrace the spirit of this fund as it is meant, and of OUYA as it is meant, we might just be surprised by what a little positivity can produce." The post closes with links to some of the games that have contacted Ouya for the promotion.

The response was met with further criticism from indie developers. Thomas Was Alone developer Mike Bithell called the program "clearly dodgy as hell" and criticized the response for "using aspirational language to shift the blame, weirdly, onto its critics."

Sophie Houlden, developer of the Ouya game Rose and Time, committed to pulling her game from the Ouya store entirely, calling the response "entirely empty and dishonest."

"I love the OUYA dearly, it actually has a couple of my favorite games of all time on it, and I had a good time developing for it myself," Houlden told Giant Bomb, "but I'm not prepared to support bullshit like this, you've lost me. There's a tiny chance you could get me back, but honestly I don't think you have it in you at this point."

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    September 11, 2013 12:00 PM

    Steve Watts posted a new article, Ouya founder responds to Free the Games Fund controversy.

    Ouya founder Julie Uhrman has responded to a controversy brewing surrounding its "Free the Games Fund" promotion, but it doesn't seem to have satisfied indie devs critical of the program.

    • reply
      September 11, 2013 12:25 PM

      Just let the poor thing die already.

    • reply
      September 11, 2013 12:27 PM

      Slowest train wreck ever.

      • reply
        September 11, 2013 9:47 PM

        no way man... it was a trainwreck from the get go

        • reply
          September 11, 2013 10:00 PM

          a train crash that starts on day 1 and lasts until day 300 is still a very slow train wreck

        • reply
          September 12, 2013 8:03 AM

          It all started with the name....OHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHHH

    • reply
      September 11, 2013 1:26 PM


      • reply
        September 11, 2013 1:37 PM

        It appears, for the gridiron one, there is some shady stuff happening. 8 backers at 10k, for what looks like a piece of shit. 13 backers at $300. Again, for a piece of shit football game.

        • reply
          September 11, 2013 5:39 PM

          What I don't understand is why should we care? Shitty games get funded all the time sans crowdfunding transparency; now that we can see dollar amounts suddenly we're up in arms? What am I missing?

      • reply
        September 11, 2013 1:37 PM

        The dodgy practices refer to the fact that Ouya is willing to match the funded amount up to a certain point. The problem arises is when random projects just pop up out of nowhere and get funded. The trend in a normal project is having a lot of people chipping in to fund it. The opposite was happening to the fishy projects. They had very very very few sponsors that were funding hundreds of dollars each just to complete the project.

        The "real" indies say to Ouya hey look, don't those projects look a bit fishy considering that they have very few backers and you're giving them free money? Then Ouya comes along and says why all the hate? They never really address the points that there could be some fishy projects that just want to get money while the real guys get left behind.

      • reply
        September 11, 2013 9:01 PM


    • reply
      September 11, 2013 4:53 PM

      This stuff makes it sound bleak. The console has potential but these kind of antics don't help...

      • reply
        September 11, 2013 5:51 PM

        This... I support them and I''m having fun developing for it (as a hobby) but they're super weird and off mark with all their marketing.

      • reply
        September 11, 2013 9:51 PM

        Sorry, but the console, both in design, tooling, ecosystem, and direction had zero potential and was doomed from the start to never go anywhere. It's hard for anyone objectively looking at this thing could believe otherwise.

    • reply
      September 11, 2013 8:36 PM

      So let's say I back a game which is schedule for PC, tablet, etc and then these guys come along and double the funding and make it OUYA exclusive?

      So now to be able to play the game I backed I have to go buy Ouya?

      If that's correct then this is amazingly bad.

      • reply
        September 20, 2013 6:59 AM

        If you funded it for PC, Tablet, etc then it wouldn't be eligible for OUYA funding.

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