PopCap, free-to-play, and the seeds of Plants vs Zombies 2
Plants vs Zombies 2 lead designer Mohan Rajagoplan and franchise lead Tony Leamer talk about how the game came together, why they made the sequel free-to-play, and how its plans extend far beyond a single new world.
The Scarecrow Zombie, from an early seasonal concept
The many iterations of upgradeable pots
A block-pusher, who would mow down plants, split into two zombie concepts: the camel-shield zombies, and the explorer zombie
Steve Watts posted a new article, PopCap, free-to-play, and the seeds of Plants vs Zombies 2.
Plants vs Zombies 2 lead designer Mohan Rajagoplan and franchise lead Tony Leamer talk about how the game came together, why they made the sequel free-to-play, and how its plans extend far beyond a single new world.-
i discussed this in the other popcap game a few days ago but the challenges are just not fun. there are a lot of them and they are really really tedious. yeah you can pay to bypass them so you can get to the next set of tedious 3 star challenges or pay wall but why? i never felt like i had to put WORK into playing the first game. it's really disappointing.
It makes no sense to make it exclusive though. Seems to me like EA is just fucking up another developer. What idiot decided to make Peggle 2 exclusive to the Xbox One at the start? Zero sense. I have no doubt these games may make their way to other platforms, but it's stupid that they're not doing simultaneous releases. PvZ2 is only available on iOS last I checked. These were successful PC releases, but now... apparently it's not worth it. PopCap became successful because they didn't limit themselves to a single platform.
do F2P mobile games make it big on PC normally? I don't really know but I am assuming after playing the product that was released, they definitely focused development on the right platform first.
we can hope that now that they are done with the mobile game that they can use resources to make a proper version of it for 19.99 on PCs and consoles but... haha :P
I have always despised freemium games, but I don't understand all the hate regarding this game. I wouldn't conceive of spending 2 bucks for an extra plant, as there are plenty that come for free from unlocking levels. It definitely doesn't feel like a grind. Sure, you do have to earn stars to unlock new worlds, but that's just part of the challenge. It's really not that difficult anyway. I have been playing a ton of the game, and enjoy it quite a bit. Most of the "paid" plants are from the first game, and with all of the new plants that you get for free, there's no real reason to make any purchase.
Now you can grow the real ZOMBIE PLANT- It "Plays Dead" when you Touch it!
Then Minutes later "comes back to life" http://thezombieplant.com