A guide to crafting in The Last of Us
Half-empty bottles of liquor, discarded towels, broken razor blades, and even sugar can all be transformed into deadly tools for Joel to use on his journey.

Explosives can help
- Melee Upgrade = Blade + Binding
- Shiv = Blade + Binding
- Health Kit = Rag + Alcohol
- Molotov Cocktail = Rag + Alcohol
- Proximity Mine = Explosive + Blade
- Smoke Bomb = Explosive + Sugar
Oxidized sugar creates a smokescreen that will hide you from your enemies. They ignite with a concussive burst, stunning any enemy caught in the explosion radius. Enemies can't see through the smoke, and won't shoot at a target they can't see. use this to escape when overwhelmed or rush in while enemies are stunned.There are other objects you can collect in the environment as well. Pills can be used to upgrade Joel's abilities. You can upgrade his maximum health, distance of his "listen mode," crafting speed, healing speed, weapon sway, and the ability to use the "shiv master" technique, which allows you to save yourself when grabbed by a clicker. (It's pretty helpful!)

'Listen Mode' lets Joel slow down and hear enemies
From The Chatty
Andrew Yoon posted a new article, A guide to crafting in The Last of Us.
Half-empty bottles of liquor, discarded towels, broken razor blades, and even sugar can all be transformed into deadly tools for Joel to use on his journey. -