Shadow of the Eternals dev comprised of Silicon Knights vets, Denis Dyack is CCO


Silicon Knights seemed effectively dead after losing a costly lawsuit against Epic Games, being forced to destroy their games, and laying off most of their team. While the Silicon Knights official website remains online, it seems the X-Men Destiny developer is no more.

Shadows of the Eternals, a "spiritual successor" to Gamecube horror game Eternal Darkness debuted last Friday. Developed by Precursor Games, the crowdfunded project is said to be "from the creators of Eternal Darkness." But what does that mean, exactly?

An overview of the Precursor Games' Team page reveals a number of Silicon Knights vets--even if the studio's name isn't mentioned. For example, tech director Sean Thompson credits Too Human, while "lore-keeper" Ken McCulloch worked on Legacy of Kain and Eternal Darkness.

Intriguingly, Denis Dyack, the vocal head of Silicon Knights is on the company roster. But, he is not Precursor's CEO. Instead, he serves as chief creative officer. Instead, Paul Caporicci is CEO, having worked on Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes and Too Human. According to his profile, they established the company in July 2012--immediately after losing their legal battle with Epic Games.

These people now want $1.5 million to work on their next game. While fans have been long-clamoring for a sequel to Eternal Darkness, given Silicon Knights' recent track record, you may want to give pause.

Andrew Yoon was previously a games journalist creating content at Shacknews.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    May 6, 2013 11:00 AM

    Andrew Yoon posted a new article, Shadow of the Eternals dev comprised of Silicon Knights vets, Denis Dyack is CCO.

    Silicon Knights seemed effectively dead after losing a costly lawsuit against Epic Games, being forced to destroy their games, and laying off most...

    • reply
      May 6, 2013 12:08 PM

      PSA: Avoid at all costs!

      • reply
        May 6, 2013 1:53 PM

        Nope. I contributed, because another Eternal Darkness game would be awesome, and worth risking my money on.

    • reply
      May 6, 2013 12:13 PM

      Nintendo holds patents on some of the things they did on Eternal Darkness

    • reply
      May 6, 2013 12:48 PM

      Given how spectacularly S.K. went down in flames, I'd only put my vote behind this reformation working on another project if they were working under (or as part of) another developer.

      • reply
        May 6, 2013 1:06 PM

        Yeah, I would never support Dyack-lead project at this stage. Seems like a big chance of my money evaporating into nothing.

    • reply
      May 6, 2013 1:37 PM

      I won't be contributing to this but if they ship a final product that is decent, I'll be buying it. I just don't trust Dyack to deliver.

    • reply
      May 6, 2013 1:51 PM

      Too Human is 2nd only to Alpha Protocol to most underrated game of this generation.

      • reply
        May 6, 2013 4:20 PM

        Too Human is amazing despite it's flaws.

      • reply
        May 6, 2013 4:51 PM

        Alpha Protocol is a buggy mess. It's bad because the game is broken. It's a shame because there are a lot of good ideas buried inside this junk heap of a game.

        • reply
          May 6, 2013 5:33 PM

          Right but it 's a broken mess that still manages to execute its most interesting concept. With flair, even.

          • reply
            May 6, 2013 5:38 PM

            plus it's feels like an immersive game for adults, rather than just a hollywood movie wannabe or design-by-comittee cookie cutter affair. A characteristic of Silicon Knights titles, too, in fact.

          • reply
            May 7, 2013 1:21 AM

            Like I said, there's a lot of good ideas within the game. There's a good game in there that's trying to crawl out and make itself known. The game needed a few more months of polish.

        • reply
          May 6, 2013 7:29 PM

          I heard it was buggy but fortunately when I played I never experienced any

      • reply
        May 6, 2013 7:17 PM

        Agreed. If only it had 6 months of GOOD polishing.

    • reply
      May 6, 2013 4:25 PM

      woa i'm in the midst of this article right now

      guess i know how it all will end!

    • reply
      May 6, 2013 5:30 PM

      Dennis Dyack - for all the bad press this guy's late 90's game dev attitude pulled, I can say from personal experience when I was working in the game industry, Silicon Knights had some valid reasons for their original claims against Epic. We had at least one game I was aware of first hand that had to have all multiplayer stripped out of it last minute due to lack of Unreal engine support as originally advertised.

      Only Silicon Knights was in a position to try to strike back, while the large publishers, who did the licensing with Epic for multiple titles at once, had their hands tied and just sucked it up. As it turns out, you can see the state of the game industry after this generation, and my personal feeling is a certain portion of this turmoil was due to the monolithic control Epic had over the tech for the first few critical years of development. Thankfully that won't happen again, now that big publishers like Capcom, Square Enix, Take Two, Ubi, etc. have other engine tech available. They won't be caught with their pants down again as far as that goes.

      Meanwhile, for all his reputation, some fair and some unfounded, Dyack sure as heck knows how to design a game with a commitment to very high quality, intelligent game play concepts. Legacy of Kain, Eternal Darkness and Too Human are all unique titles with a highly individual slant - nobody else out there does it quite like his little guild. I'd liken them to Quantic Dream, with less tech and better actual gameplay innovation. If this new CEO can keep Dyack in line as far as meeting deadlines, which was always their biggest problem, here's hoping a lot of gamers will be rewarded with excellent games going forward.

      • reply
        May 6, 2013 6:07 PM

        Unreal Engine 3 had way too many defenders overlooking its shortcomings. It's still slow on PS3 (the example I saw was Shadows of the Damned), and on the third-party PC implementations of input code seem to have some jankiness (the "sticking" fire button in Singularity, and the sticking mouse buttons in Bioshock Infinite).

        As for the alternatives to Unreal Engine 3 that the big publishers have, it seems like this:

        EA: Frostbite
        Ubisoft: Dunia (variant of CryEngine first used in Far Cry 2)
        Capcom: MT Framework
        Bethesda: Id Tech 5
        2K: Rockstar Advanced Game Engine
        Square Eidos: Crystal Engine

        Epic also doesn't have that much to sell a new engine on, unless of course they have a huge unveil staged for Microsoft's event or E3.

        Dyack didn't do himself any favors by being what was outwardly perceived as batshit insane when Silicon Knights first sued Epic. It ended up being a war of attrition, of who could pay the lawyers better, and Epic had an endless wallet, since they could print money with Gears releases and Unreal Engine revenue, and all that Silicon Knights did during that time was release Too Human and a bad X-Men game.

        • reply
          May 6, 2013 6:22 PM


          • reply
            May 6, 2013 7:05 PM

            It's not like Unreal Engine isn't being used, but it's not the only engine the large publishers must rely on, like it was at the start of this current gen.

            Capcom's in-house cross platform engine is what makes their PC ports what they are and are very good for their specific titles that use them. Same thing goes for all these other publishers.

            Conversely, look what happened to publishers like THQ that relied heavily on Unreal, or publishers like Tecmo and Namco, that couldn't afford it right out of the gate. Hell, Namco would be toast if it wasn't for them cutting a deal with From Software. Tecmo's on the frikken brink, which is really sad, too. Even Square Enix was on shaky ground until they got their in-house engine stabilized enough to expand out with Eidos. They took care of their own engine first, and then bought out Eidos, not the other way around, if you notice…..

      • reply
        May 7, 2013 2:43 AM

        I can believe that, but suing for the rights to the engine that they would then turn around and license to others as the "Silicon Knights Engine" was just too much for me to swallow.

    • reply
      May 6, 2013 6:18 PM

      Honestly, being episodic gives me more pause as far as supporting it, rather than the issue of being frmo SK/Denis Dyack.

      I liked ED, Too Human, and even Dark Legions way-back-when.

    • reply
      May 7, 2013 6:07 AM

      Wait, I thought the WiiU was sooooo under-powered it couldn't handle Crytek or Frostbyte?
      LOL, anyway, I supported this game.

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