Hideo Kojima explains Phantom Pain fake-out, why David Hayter isn't in Metal Gear Solid 5

Metal Gear series creator Hideo Kojima talks about the reveal for Metal Gear Solid 5, using this game to "recreate" the series, and how exactly it relates to Ground Zeroes.


The campaign for Metal Gear Solid 5 kicked off during last year, when a trailer debuted for "The Phantom Pain." It was an elaborate riddle that the Internet solved in roughly an hour, but creator Hideo Kojima says that was part of the point. He wanted fans engaged in this announcement.

Kojima told GameTrailers that he "wanted to do something in the social space" with the Metal Gear Solid 5 announcement. "It's been sort of dull lately, and we really wanted to energize the community," he said through a translator. His other reason was to gauge an honest reaction to the new FOX Engine, so he could hear what people think of the visuals without the MGS name attached.

However, he wasn't entirely surprised when fans figured it out quickly. He called it an "inside joke" that both the fans and studio understood. "Honestly we knew people would know what it was, more or less, but we were surprised that they were actually able to guess the exact title," he said.

Kojima confirmed that Snake will be voiced by someone new, rather than the David Hayter as usual. "It will be a new person, I can't say who yet," he said. "What we're trying to accomplish is to recreate the Metal Gear series. It's a new type of Metal Gear game, and we want to have this reflected in the voice actor as well." He also said this is the explanation for the game's title to use a Roman numeral "V" instead of the Arabic numeral "5," and said that "V represents our will for victory."

To clear up some confusion regarding the this game and Ground Zeroes, Kojima explained that they are parts of the same whole. Ground Zeroes is a prologue that will introduce the concepts and open world, and then Phantom Pain takes place nine years later and features a much larger open world. Together, the two parts comprise Metal Gear Solid 5. He declined to comment on how the two games will be distributed.

Finally, Kojima once again commented that this is his Metal Gear swan song, with a touch of self-awareness that we've heard that before. "I want this to be my last one. Of course I always say that, but this time I really want it to be true," he said. "After this I really want the Tokyo team and the LA team to take over Metal Gear and create their own video games while I'm freed up to work on my own projects. I have all these ideas in my head that I want to create so hopefully I'll be able to work on those."

From The Chatty
  • reply
    March 29, 2013 8:30 AM

    Steve Watts posted a new article, Hideo Kojima explains Phantom Pain fake-out, why David Hayter isn't in Metal Gear Solid 5.

    Metal Gear series creator Hideo Kojima talks about the reveal for Metal Gear Solid 5, using this game to "recreate" the series, and how exactly it relates to Ground Zeroes.

    • reply
      March 29, 2013 9:05 AM

      weak explanation as to why they chose someone else to voice Snake. I wonder if that goes across the board then or if they just ran into salary issues with Hayter.

      • reply
        March 29, 2013 9:08 AM

        Yeah, there has to be a different reason. Solid Snake is not going to be the same without him.

      • reply
        March 29, 2013 9:09 AM


      • reply
        March 29, 2013 9:10 AM

        Pretty sure the same Japanese voice actor is being used, read into that what you will.

    • reply
      March 29, 2013 9:40 AM

      To make it easier to explain in context:

      Groundzeroes == Tanker Mission on MGS2

      Phantom Pain == Bigshell Mission on MGS2

    • reply
      March 29, 2013 9:47 AM

      Biggest horseshit ever.

      We want Hayter. He's Snake. Always has been since the PS1 era.

      It's like if they changed Mario's voice or Nathan Drake's.

    • reply
      March 29, 2013 11:03 AM

      Everyone just calm down about Hayter. This is Kojima we're talking about here, a guy who hid an entire non-Solid Snake 2/3rds of a game from us back with Metal Gear Solid 2. A guy who made up an entirely fictional development studio to hide The Phantom Pain.

      Chances are, they're going to pull something where Hayter is the voice of Big Boss. Or Hayter is the voice of Solid Snake who shows up at the end and takes out Big Boss ala Metal Gear or Metal Gear 2.

      If and when the games come out and it turns out Hayter wasn't in them at all, oh well. I love the MGS series but I trust that Kojima knows what he's doing with his own franchise.

    • reply
      March 29, 2013 7:31 PM

      "The campaign for Metal Gear Solid 5 kicked off during last year, when a trailer debuted for "The Phantom Pain.""

      Actually, Steve, the campaign for MGS 5 began when it was revealed at Pax Prime 2012...well before the Spike VGAs...and we knew the game then as MGS 5: Ground Zeroes. In fact, if not for that official reveal, it might have taken longer for people to figure out the secret behind The Phantom Pain, especially since the Ground Zeroes demo made a pretty blatant reference to "Two Phantoms" being born.

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